What religious liberties will be infringed upon?
A business owner has a business. His strongly held religious belief is that homosexuality is immoral and that he should not support those relationships. He has been "tolerant" and knowingly employed a homosexual separating their private matters from business.
However now the law would force him to directly support a homosexual relationship with group benefits et al.
I had one person here very honestly acknowledge that this business owner's Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion and conscience would be trampled to extend the privileges of marriage to homosexuals.
Could parents say no to homosexual spouses presenting themselves to their children?
We have already seen Catholic adoption agencies have their rights violated for refusing to place children with homosexual couples.
If the gov't REALLY kept its nose out of our lives and business then I would support the legal end of marriage going to something like a pre-nup and getting the state out of it completely. But again, the issue for many if not most isn't correction of some real harm but rather forced acceptance on a social and moral level.