Athlon predicts the results of UT's season....

CBJ will be the difference in winning close games. Remember, we had a good shot at beating Georgia and South Carolina last season. Yes, Bray and Patterson, Hunter and
Riveria did move the ball through the air, but at crunch time when we had to have another score, the defense kept us in game in 4th quarter and the offense couldn't score. The analogy is Joe Montana didn't have great numbers, but he was a clutch player and that made him legendary. If we can execute in the 4th quarter, I really believe there is enough talent to win 8 games. That a big if.
6-6. And I think we spoil someones season, and I am perfectly fine with taking on that role this year. We all want a NC every year but lets try and be knowledgable football fans here. Thats the mind frame I am going into the season with and anything else is a bonus. Makes for an exciting season! Not to mention the fact that Tennessee is top o the board in recruiting so this should be a fun season to be a Vol fan as long as you keep it in perspective!
Holtz at SC? Not applicable at any level.

Saban walked into a discipline mess and cracked alot of eggs. No such thing for Jones. In fact, he has said this team has bought in better than his previous two.

Muschamp likewise inherited a bunch of discipline problems from Meyer. He had youth all over the field including both lines. IIRC, most of his D was Sophs.

OTOH, Dooley got six wins. Freeze got six wins at Ole Miss coming into a mess and playing a schedule that included the SECW and UGA and Texas.

Sumlin... goes without saying.

Richt was 8-3 in his first year.

James Franklin was 6-6 in his first year at Vandy.

Les Miles was 11-2.

Kelly was 8-5 at ND.

Brady Hoke was 11-2.

The list is almost endless of mediocre to good coaches who walked into situations as bad or worse and won 6 or more games.

If 6-6 to you is good for Jones with this roster... then just prepare yourself... and not to celebrate championships.

Uhh, I think I'll have your Hoke and Miles with and extra shot of Sumlin. Oh, and hold the Holtz please. :thumbsup:
What's that have to do with 2013? This team is not as talented as 2011 or 2012

They lost Taylor,Lattimore,Miles,Sanders, Cunningham, Swearinger, Auguste or whatever his name was, and Hollomon. Those are just the one I can think of. There is a few more LBs and Lineman.All of those besides Clowney and Shaw were their better players. Explain to me how they are more talented overall in 2013.

This is a game we can steal. South Carolina will be coming off two tough games and we will be at home. This is the best chance the Vols have of getting a win in the five game gauntlet. Could they get more? Of course. Anything can happen in college football. But, uscjr is an excellent steal game. Georgia came would actually be the next bet followed by Oregon, Florida, and then Nama out of those five games. Auto correct changed that and the tide is not worth my time to go back and change it.
Dude you need to wake up and smell the roses. We are talking about the first season of a new head coach and the first season after the Dooley era. We should thank the heavens if the worst we do is 6-6.

Dude? We are talking about Tennessee becoming Tennessee again. Does that mean a 6-6 record this year? Maybe, but it does mean win or lose, fighting like hell from start to finish. Losing a second consecutive game to Vandy? No WAY!
CBJ will be the difference in winning close games. Remember, we had a good shot at beating Georgia and South Carolina last season. Yes, Bray and Patterson, Hunter and
Riveria did move the ball through the air, but at crunch time when we had to have another score, the defense kept us in game in 4th quarter and the offense couldn't score. The analogy is Joe Montana didn't have great numbers, but he was a clutch player and that made him legendary. If we can execute in the 4th quarter, I really believe there is enough talent to win 8 games. That a big if.

I agree with most of this, but when the D is giving up 40+ (Gurley's uni looked fresh pressed off the hanger), it's a bit of a stretch to use the phrase "kept us in it".
You are right. If he's a six win coach this year then next year could be very ugly. Less experience. Possibly less talent ready to be on the field... and not a lot of confidence in the program.

The only spots where we will be inexperiened next year are the OL and DT.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
And return six guys who have started on the OL, at least one that has started at WR, one that has started at TE, one that has started at QB, 2 starters at RB, iirc 7 guys who have started on the DL, 3 guys who have started at LB, 3 DB starters...

Four of the OL starters, 2 LB starters, 1 TE starter, 2 safeties, one CB, and one DE.... have started since they were Freshmen. IOW's, there is a bunch more experience on this team than a first glance will register.

Yeah, the same players that could not win last year!
The only spots where we will be inexperiened next year are the OL and DT.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Don't forget about LB. We have 11 LBs on scholarship this season, but 6 are seniors and 2 others (Johnson and Maggitt) could be playing on Sundays in 2014. So it's possible we only return 3 LBs for 2014, and one of those is a walk-on who was awarded a scholly.

Given what we're losing at OL, DL, and LB, I tend to agree with sjt that next year we're going to take a step back (in terms of win total).
Don't forget about LB. We have 11 LBs on scholarship this season, but 6 are seniors and 2 others (Johnson and Maggitt) could be playing on Sundays in 2014. So it's possible we only return 3 LBs for 2014, and one of those is a walk-on who was awarded a scholly.

Given what we're losing at OL, DL, and LB, I tend to agree with sjt that next year we're going to take a step back (in terms of win total).
We will lose Johnson but not Maggit imo. Where we will be hurting at LB is depth, not experience among the starters.
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:crazy: yeah, that's the way to think. Us true fans have already won the NC for this coming year. We want get curbed stomped by Oregon or Alabama or Florida this year. All our players are supermen.....yeah that way of thinking will win all our games cause we are true fans believing in our team. Hey bar keep......I'll have what he's drinking tonight.

Doesn't get sarcasm ^^^^^
I honestly think this year we are going to lose to someone we shouldn't and beat someone we aren't supposed to beat. Who that will be I have no idea.

I've been saying this for a while. I think it'll be a lot like 09 (beat UGA and USC but lost to UCLA and Auburn).
we're going to consistently improve.....its all gravy.We will win out,maybe not this season...but its coming...fair warning negavols....we are coming for you too
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I disagree with Mark Fox that the defense will again be a weakness and I agree with Brandon Hall that Auburn will be a must-win game for the Vols to go bowling.

That's not a good thing since we haven't beaten Auburn since before I was in middle school.
It's certainly plausible for Tennessee to lose in Columbia. Mizzou is the third game of a stretch which has the Vols playing USCe at home and then Bama on the road. The Vols then have Auburn at home. Auburn could most certainly become a must-win game.

More so than the UK and Vandy losses by Dooley was his team's inability to hold a comfortable lead against Mizzou and fall in 4 ot's last year. Dooley's utter lack of clock management at the end of regulation of that game was inexplicable and inexcusable.

LACK OF COACHING!!!! Fooley did not have or show respect so he got none. Sunseri was a disaster and players out of position/wrong angles/not finishing plays cost us 1-3 games last year at least. This coaching unit could have won us 7-8 games each year (with bowl games) the last three years because I think no one could be worse.
Once again I have to ask are you too stupid to understand written English, blinded by irrational bias, or a liar?

I have not said this roster was "great". Can you ever make any argument that does not lead with a strawman (aka lie)?

I HAVE argued that if Jones is a good coach then it is better than a 6 win team. You loath Dooley. I mean it is truly pathetic how absorbed you are with it. So it mystifies me how you can possibly accept a first year result from Jones equal to Dooley's first year result against similarly difficult schedules and with a better roster.

I actually believe Jones is better and therefore will win more than 6 games. I think 7 or 8 are reasonable possibilities. More than that would be pretty extraordinary.
You are not alone in your thinking there are some who are just hesitant to to say it aloud but you're right.
I am really excited about this year and really cautious about this year. I made too many predictions the last two years and my record is not good. Gonna sit back and wait, watch the first three games. I think then and only then can we start any honest predictions. Ducks game will tell the tale. I think I want that win as bad as beating the gators. Go Vols!!!
the vols will be better on both sides of the ball this year. for the simple fact that there will be a different play caller on the sidelines. his presence alone will get the deffense in the game....

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