Athlon predicts the results of UT's season....

we will win 7-8 games this season & then go to a bowl! If not we better pack it in for next season. If Butch is as good as you guys say he is there is no reason we can't win 7-8!

You are right. If he's a six win coach this year then next year could be very ugly. Less experience. Possibly less talent ready to be on the field... and not a lot of confidence in the program.
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Once again I have to ask are you too stupid to understand written English, blinded by irrational bias, or a liar?

I have not said this roster was "great". Can you ever make any argument that does not lead with a strawman (aka lie)?

I HAVE argued that if Jones is a good coach then it is better than a 6 win team. You loath Dooley. I mean it is truly pathetic how absorbed you are with it. So it mystifies me how you can possibly accept a first year result from Jones equal to Dooley's first year result against similarly difficult schedules and with a better roster.

I actually believe Jones is better and therefore will win more than 6 games. I think 7 or 8 are reasonable possibilities. More than that would be pretty extraordinary.

Your so full of it. You've state before that Jones should compete for an SEC title in year one.
Everyone else except your alter ego Oskie knows this team is about a 6 win team give or take. Your incessant barking about how this team is so much better than what Doofus took over shows your bias.
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You guys don't get it. Sjt and Oskie have to set the table in order to defend Dooley. If we go 6-6 they'll say Jones sux and we should have kept their hero. If we win more then they'll say we should have given Dooley more time and Jones won with Their heroes talent.
Whatever it takes to defend Doofus they'll do it.
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The standard stays the same whether the coach's name is Dooley, Jones, Saban, Fulmer, or some goob named VolBeef88.

By now, you know that I said before, during, and after what should determine Dooley's fate. By now, you know that by what I said shoud be expected BEFORE he coached his first game that he should have been fired this year. You are making yourself a liar.

Oh, and please stop liking your own posts.
Your so full of it. You've state before that Jones should compete for an SEC title in year one.
No I haven't. That's another lie. You have a real problem.
Everyone else except your alter ego Oskie knows this team is about a 6 win team give or take.
If Dooley is the coach... OK. If someone better than Dooley and good enough to lead UT forward is the coach then NO.

Your incessant barking about how this team is so much better than what Doofus took over shows your bias.
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No. It really just shows an ability to take two lists of players and see that one is better than the other. You should try it sometime if you ever reach a point of being honest with yourself.
No I haven't. That's another lie. You have a real problem.
If Dooley is the coach... OK. If someone better than Dooley and good enough to lead UT forward is the coach then NO.

No. It really just shows an ability to take two lists of players and see that one is better than the other. You should try it sometime if you ever reach a point of being honest with yourself.

Do you realize that everyone on this site except your brother Oskie is laughing at you? Haha
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I'm not seeing it.

Because it's not there. It only exists in the minds of the Dooley defenders. They have to prop him up. Sjt is trying to do so with stealth. You see if Jones win then he'll say it was due to Dooley's players.
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Because it's not there. It only exists in the minds of the Dooley defenders. They have to prop him up. Sjt is trying to do so with stealth. You see if Jones win then he'll say it was due to Dooley's players.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

They will play a huge role in that this year.
I'm not seeing it.

USCe has a better QB and Clowney after that its pretty even. The Cocks have the worst LB group in SEC per ESPN and rank in the lower half of conference at all positions other than QB and DL.

If D Rogers catches the pass that hits him right in the hands and right in stride for a TD the Vols win the 2011 game; and if the Vols can stop a 4th and 24 from being a TD they win last year.

Spurrier > Dooley that's been the difference.
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I felt the same way about ND last year too. Going undefeated is impressive, but when you look at their opponents' records after the season ND's wins looked pretty unimpressive.

The roll turds were not impressed cause they opened up a can of whoop a$$ on the golden domers . :lol:
I felt the same way about ND last year too. Going undefeated is impressive, but when you look at their opponents' records after the season ND's wins looked pretty unimpressive.

In addition to Bama; LSU, TA&M, Florida, Georgia and USCe would have all beaten the gold hats. Too bad it couldn't have been a round robin of ND against those 6. :dance2:
USCe has a better QB and Clowney after that its pretty even. The Cocks have the worst LB group in SEC per ESPN and rank in the lower half of conference at all positions other than QB and DL

If D Rogers catches the pass that hits him right in the hands and right in stride for a TD the Vols win the 2011 game; and if the Vols can stop a 4th and 24 from being a TD they win last year.

Spurrier > Dooley that's been the difference.

I tend to agree with alot of this. I don't know why ppl think USCe is so talented. The D Line and QB play should be good. I think Mike Davis will be a real good back. But outside of that I don't see all this talent everyone talks about on here.
there is more to a team than just the raw material in and of itself.

it will take jones at least a year to shape the team mentally. there isn't anyone on that team that has any understanding of what it takes to win or perform under pressure.

in several facets of life, the saying is used that "it has to be torn down before it can be built back up". i believe you will see that this season.

this is not a video game.

so, people have different beliefs as to the level of the talent on the team. but, regardless of where the talent level is, you just don't come in and win right away when you also have people that have no clue what success is or how to handle it.

the only situations i can think of where someone came in right away (after taking over a bad situation) and did big things in year 1 are people who played a different game or those who came into a situation where the opposition was not in great shape either. niether apply to this situation. i saw someone mention mark richt. georgia went from 8-4 in 2000 to 8-4 in 2001. i also saw les miles mentioned. he came in after saban. are you kidding me?

i mean damn, no one even knows how much of what the staff wants to run will be able to be implemented this season or who the starting qb will be. but, the switch back to the 4-3 will be if anyone can be sure. the new offense will purr like a kitten this season with great cohesiveness.

this season is about coach jones putting his stamp on the team and the team learning to play the game the way he wants it played. it's not even about wins and losses, imo.
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I tend to agree with alot of this. I don't know why ppl think USCe is so talented. The D Line and QB play should be good. I think Mike Davis will be a real good back. But outside of that I don't see all this talent everyone talks about on here.

they've gone 11-2 for two straight seasons.
USCe has a better QB and Clowney after that its pretty even.

It's closer after Clowney and Shaw, but they're still better. They didn't win 11 games last year by accident. And even if everybody else was pretty even, playing a team with a Senior QB and the best player in college football represents a pretty tough talent gap to overcome.
You clearly weren't watching the games last year and how close we came to winning a lot of those games. 5-7 will be underachieving even for this year.

I honestly believe that everyone is just sick and tired of having high optimism for our Vols and then being let down. Although I do agree with you.
It's closer after Clowney and Shaw, but they're still better. They didn't win 11 games last year by accident. And even if everybody else was pretty even, playing a team with a Senior QB and the best player in college football represents a pretty tough talent gap to overcome.

Not saying Vols are man for man as good as they are but its closer than most would suspect. Spurrier is still one of the best coaches in SEC, certainly best in the East. Vols have been in the 4th quarter with them with a great chance to win the last two seasons and 2011 was with Worley as a Freshman starter. This years game is in Knoxville after an open date, so Butch has two weeks to prepare. Gamecocks come in in the middle of a three week road swing. I like our chances. :thumbsup:
I guess it is true that you just can't fix stupid.

Fulmer was not a competitive coach when his tenure ended at UT. He NEVER demonstrated the willingness or ability to demand excellence from his staff without Cutcliffe around. Fulmer would make a bad situation worse.

I agree with a lot that u say sjt but I have to absolutely disagree with this statement.
We would be in much better shape if we had more talent.........

Yes that is true. But currently the elite teams in the SEC are Bama, LSU and Georgia. Bama wins because they have the better coach. Then you have the second rung USCe, Florida, Texas A&M, and USCe wins because they have Spurrier the better coach. Then you have the also rans which includes the Vols. No significant talent difference in those last 8 teams, if Jones is the better coach we're No. 7 year one.

Then he is stuck until he loads the roster and it looks like he can do that from what he's shown so far.

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