
Peay was at 6pm. This sun wasn't directly on top of you. I was at both and this game was 1000 times more uncomfortable.

Not enough of one. It literally felt like you were cooking. At one point I had put my hand on the back of my neck, and noticed three people down in front of me were doing the same thing. :eek:lol: My bad for forgetting the sunscreen. At least I wouldn't have been blistered.

What decade are you living in? Wikipedia is your friend when you need help. The state population now, based on the last 2010 census and estimated growth since then is about 6.5 million. Wikipedia, friend, Wikipedia!

the exact number of people wasn't my point.
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It was F'n miserably hot. ...No breeze and no cloud cover. Got sun burnt and I'm tan.
Just back from the game (it was hot), sunburnt but worth it!...the crowd was better today (although it was hot!)...everyone was very vocal, at least in my section. Did I mention it was HOT!...

...Was there at least a breeze this week?
I never felt one.

Saw a woman with a 3-4 month old baby out in the direct sun for most of the game. Poor thing was red as a lobster. Unreal.
Child abuse, IMO!:eek:hmy:
It would appear to me............we are bout 20,000 shy of a load. The Sheepie Fanz are staying home. 87k on a day like yesterday is sad!! Only time it will get better is when our opponent buys more seats. Sheep and students are staying home?? :banghead2:

I was actually pretty proud of the 97k for AP last week. 86k for WKU is a little disappointing if you just look at the numbers/opponent.

But like others have said, it was an early start against a below-average opponent on a hot day with the option to watch on local TV.
20,000+ stayed home to watch Florida Coach possibly have a sideline stroke after losing to Miami. Unfortunately our human instinct is to see the train wreck and carnage.
As it was said family prices plus food and drink prices and souviners are getting out of hand. If Butch gets it he will lower those things and maybe pack the house I understand you gotta make money but getting rich on every thing sold is the reason IMO less crowds show up. You can watch at home for free and drink .50c waters not $4 water
I know it was HOT but dang some people need to suck it up and go support. Fans bring excitement which Gets the players pumped... I know winning will fix it but the fans need to get in there and get the energy back and that will in return help the players

I could agree with you because heat doesn't bother me as much as it does some people. In any case, let me tell you what I saw during the half time break. Inside the stadium near a restroom, a guy just fell down, apparently face first from effects of the heat. You'd think being cooler inside that wouldn't happen. But it did and I wonder if he was the only one. The wasn't something to pooh pooh at. I also saw some kids, really young, suffering despite the moms plying them with iced treats.
My wife got down on me last week while we were walkin cause of the heat... I for one can't see taking small kids there unless u keep them hydrated and the elderly I can completely understand them not coming or leaving early. As for the middle age lets fill that stadium up and get that place back on top
A woman was taken out on a stretcher one section over from us. They had to carry her down the stairs.
I am not a fair weather fan and am there everytime the gate is open but football wasnt meant to be played in heat like this. I know it was a shorter schedule years ago but used to have opener 2nd or 3rd saturday in sept. Either way I will be there sweat rag and all.
Some of us paid more than ticket price for being there. I forgot sunscreen. The only alternative was leaving, and that wasn't happening.
I can only make a game a year and myself and 5 family members were there Saturday. Sat in Z12 only a few rows behind M. North's family.

Let me tell you...I love my Vols and stayed the entire game, but my family and I decided that we would never attend a September noon game again.

Sooo dang hot. Wife went into concourse for half the game cause she got a heat migraine, although she was the smart one of our bunch and used sunscreen. My raccoon eyes are gonna look real nice at work tomorrow. Lol.

Anyway, I believe a lot of ppl didnt show or left early simply because of the heat. If we hadnt driven 7 hours, we probably would have left in the second half.

Guess I'm not a true fan...
Some of us paid more than ticket price for being there. I forgot sunscreen. The only alternative was leaving, and that wasn't happening.

That red skin looks all too familiar volly. My face still hurts. Thank goodness for aloe gel.
As it was said family prices plus food and drink prices and souviners are getting out of hand. If Butch gets it he will lower those things and maybe pack the house I understand you gotta make money but getting rich on every thing sold is the reason IMO less crowds show up. You can watch at home for free and drink .50c waters not $4 water

No way will they lower prices. There are too many people that will show up no matter what it costs.
Some of us paid more than ticket price for being there. I forgot sunscreen. The only alternative was leaving, and that wasn't happening.


Living in FL I know that hurts. I hope you had some sort of base tan that will help reduce the time it takes for the pain to go away.

I know in 2 weeks I will have the SPF 100 on at UF.
I am late to this party but ...

Watching the game on the tube the stadium looked pretty full. I was at the APeay game and thought it looked almost as empty as it had in 1988 against BC [smallest crowd in my attendance years] - so we are still putting on a good front for T.V.

And for those who left early = still VFL.

I cut out on APeay at the half for Copper Celler [damn Cumberland is dead these days] and have left many a Kentucky game to buy a sweatshirt - back in the 1990's you could re-enter.


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