I'm one of the originals - born in 1946. The boomer range is way too broad - both in age and in scope. The antiwar and hippie type boomers aren't the same as a lot of the rest of us who retained more traditional values. Some of us didn't buy into the socialist line of thought that bent things to the left. We weren't for the government programs that added entitlements and takers to the scheme. Also there's a time lag in those running the country and those being controlled by them. Most of the people running around doing stupid schiff (like LBJ) that a lot of people blame on boomers weren't boomers at all. There may have been boomers supporting things like the Great Society, but the planners were not boomers - they were members of the Greatest Generation. By the way my generation couldn't originally vote until we were 21, so we didn't really have a lot of say about things that fools like LBJ did.
Another thing that seems to be forgotten was that Social Security came into being well before boomers - courtesy if one of the great lefties - FDR. You also have to remember the first SS recipients didn't pay into SS, so the first people to pay in were paying for earlier generations rather investing for their own retirement. It's what happens when you create unfunded government plans out of thin air. Medicare/Medicaid were the work of the second great lefty - LBJ, not a boomer; that's another program that the first recipients got for free - and many Medicaid recipients still do.
For the record, as boomers we paid into SS all our working years, and Medicare from the time it became law. Now in our retirement we still pay Medicare premiums and income tax on our SS income. We, like everybody else, have had no say in how congress allocates the extorted SS and Medicare funds. They should have been kept separate from general revenues, but they weren't. The best lesson for thinking about boomers would be to consider the separate categories of boomers like the separate categories of legislators - the CA liberals vs conservative red state legislators - all are far from perfect, but there's a huge difference in philosophy. FTR, SS and other things that people actually fund should not be considered "entitlements" like the other unfunded crap called entitlements. I can't figure out why something is an entitlement if the person never paid for it in the first place.
BTW, PEPPERJAX, this is just an update - not an educational post aimed at you.