Baby Boomers U.S. Worst Generation?

My questions to boomers:

Isn't the goal in life to leave the world a better place for your children?

Your parents defeated the Nazis and built the United States into the greatest country in the world with so many opportunities:

Is it fair to say you fell remarkably short of the 'goal' above? Especially compared to what your parents left you....
The boomers had it too easy is the problem. They grew up in an era where the US was the only major country untouched by the damages of WWII. They were able to pay for college tuition by working a part time job over the summer. They think everything is as easy as it was in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. They are a spoiled bunch that doesn't understand that the rest of the world has now recovered from WWII and life isn't an episode of Leave It To Beaver anymore.
The boomers had it too easy is the problem. They grew up in an era where the US was the only major country untouched by the damages of WWII. They were able to pay for college tuition by working a part time job over the summer. They think everything is as easy as it was in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. They are a spoiled bunch that doesn't understand that the rest of the world has now recovered from WWII and life isn't an episode of Leave It To Beaver anymore.
Good Lord
My questions to boomers:

Isn't the goal in life to leave the world a better place for your children?

Your parents defeated the Nazis and built the United States into the greatest country in the world with so many opportunities:

Is it fair to say you fell remarkably short of the 'goal' above? Especially compared to what your parents left you....

Bless It
The boomers had it too easy is the problem. They grew up in an era where the US was the only major country untouched by the damages of WWII. They were able to pay for college tuition by working a part time job over the summer. They think everything is as easy as it was in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. They are a spoiled bunch that doesn't understand that the rest of the world has now recovered from WWII and life isn't an episode of Leave It To Beaver anymore.

Troll’n, Troll’n, Troll’n...
Old?! 🤬


Ok fine dammit. There are several of us here so watch you step. Weezer. VolStrom, AM64 come to mind immediately. And I believe SCV is up to a handful of years older than myself from discussion.

And for the record I’m a very tail end boomer. Born in ‘64.
You need to be workin and payin my damn retirement. I got 5 years on your ass.
My questions to boomers:

Isn't the goal in life to leave the world a better place for your children?

Your parents defeated the Nazis and built the United States into the greatest country in the world with so many opportunities:

Is it fair to say you fell remarkably short of the 'goal' above? Especially compared to what your parents left you....

Sure, but there were divergent thoughts about how to do that. The more conservative type thought one thing, and the antiwar demonstrator/hippie type thought another. The fact is that the politicians who ran the country weren't boomers, so until the left temper tantrums on the street they did pretty much whatever they wanted and ignored boomers. Remember the leftists brought the social change that keeps parents from disciplining kids and teachers from teaching them - that doesn't make it a better place for children - they just become worse snot nosed tyrants with causes. Dr Spock and all the other self help hypists really got up to speed at screwing up tradition values and parenting - and flaming feminazis certainly did their part to destroy traditional values. None of that screwed up flock that included Spock or Gloria Steinem were boomers BTW.
Sure, but there were divergent thoughts about how to do that. The more conservative type thought one thing, and the antiwar demonstrator/hippie type thought another. The fact is that the politicians who ran the country weren't boomers, so until the left temper tantrums on the street they did pretty much whatever they wanted and ignored boomers. Remember the leftists brought the social change that keeps parents from disciplining kids and teachers from teaching them - that doesn't make it a better place for children - they just become worse snot nosed tyrants with causes. Dr Spock and all the other self help hypists really got up to speed at screwing up tradition values and parenting - and flaming feminazis certainly did their part to destroy traditional values. None of that screwed up flock that included Spock or Gloria Steinem were boomers BTW.
At the end of the day we should have just beat the living **** out of our kids like every generation before us. It had worked well till they screwed it up and let the little ***** not feel fear.
The boomers had it too easy is the problem. They grew up in an era where the US was the only major country untouched by the damages of WWII. They were able to pay for college tuition by working a part time job over the summer. They think everything is as easy as it was in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. They are a spoiled bunch that doesn't understand that the rest of the world has now recovered from WWII and life isn't an episode of Leave It To Beaver anymore.
For real.... now we’ve got pussified man boys.... fat ass kids.... idiots that think it’s a good idea to have no border.... 47% that pay no income tax.... a dementia patient is president..... the whole white race are supremacists....and on and on.... stfu
At the end of the day we should have just beat the living **** out of our kids like every generation before us. It had worked well till they screwed it up and let the little ***** not feel fear.
I did but only had to do it a couple times each. One is a Biomed Eng and the other an Architect. Call them millennials and you may get popped. They both are entering management level positions and complain about the work ethic and fragility of today's grads. They may be smart but call then by the wrong pronoun and they go home or sit and sulk the rest of the day.

I would estimate that companies have lost nearly 15% in productivity by having to cater to feelz, inclusion, paternity leave, etc.
For real.... now we’ve got pussified man boys.... fat ass kids.... idiots that think it’s a good idea to have no border.... 47% that pay no income tax.... a dementia patient is president..... the whole white race are supremacists....and on and on.... stfu
Y u sow mad bro? (I would have done that in emojis if I knew how)
At the end of the day we should have just beat the living **** out of our kids like every generation before us. It had worked well till they screwed it up and let the little ***** not feel fear.

In elementary school at Dupont Elementary Mrs White, who was a black lady, used to take the undisiplined back behind the wall where things were stored, and whip em. No kidding.
Then there is the least scandalous story of me calling Mrs Burger "Miss Hamburger" and having to write it out on the chalkboard 50 times. "I will not call Mrs. Burger Mrs Hamburger".
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My questions to boomers:

Isn't the goal in life to leave the world a better place for your children?

Your parents defeated the Nazis and built the United States into the greatest country in the world with so many opportunities:

Is it fair to say you fell remarkably short of the 'goal' above? Especially compared to what your parents left you....
Did you ask your parents these questions?
Turn that around. What do you think boomers have done that your generation would have handled better?
The economy. Boomers have crashed it multiple times. Needless wars. Boomers have started them multiple times. Civil rights. Boomers have obstructed them multiple times.
The economy. Boomers have crashed it multiple times. Needless wars. Boomers have started them multiple times. Civil rights. Boomers have obstructed them multiple times.

Which wars do you think boomers started? What civil rights do you think boomers systemically blocked? Which market crashes are you attributing to boomers and who organized it?
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