Baltimore Unrest

Huff, the excerpt you posted which revived this thread alluded to Baltimore Leo's keeping BB guns in cars as insurance if they accidentally shot someone.

Anyone one aware of a person being shot in last 2 decades and the Baltimore police claiming suspect had a BB gun?

IDK, but I did a quick search and stumbled on a SNOPES story about a baby being shot because the cops thought his pacifier was a gun. Turned out to be false, LOL.
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This thread and the protests are not about the city as a whole, it's about the CJS and LEO's. Middle America has been proven wrong that they did have a legitimate beef.

Instead of saying, "yeah we were wrong" or condemning the police, or doing what we can to affect change, the response is "they shouldn't have rioted", "they should elect better leaders", and "they supported the gun protest".

You are right, but how is that not deflection? You can't just accept a plain truth. You can't be humble enough to stay quiet. You are compelled to deflect from the plain truth.

I don’t get what this has to do with my pride and why you are making this personal? It seems to be a pattern from you
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I don’t get what this has to do with my pride and why you are making this personal?

You have a point.

I guess it's because I'm sick of terrible discourse in this forum, but the irony is in this case I'm contributing.

I just don't get why people can't admit to plain truths (or in some cases, we rewrite history and pretend like it was always a plain truth). It's a weird phenomenon. We get nowhere with politics because if we don't like a conversation, we just change the conversation.
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This thread and the protests are not about the city as a whole, it's about the CJS and LEO's. Middle America has been proven wrong that they did have a legitimate beef.

Instead of saying, "yeah we were wrong" or condemning the police, or doing what we can to affect change, the response is "they shouldn't have rioted", "they should elect better leaders", and "they supported the gun protest".

You are right, but how is that not deflection? You can't just accept a plain truth. You can't be humble enough to stay quiet. You are compelled to deflect from the plain truth.

I don't think there were many people who ever thought they didn't have a legitimate beef.

It's how they went about it most people had an issue with.
You have a point.

I guess it's because I'm sick of terrible discourse in this forum, but the irony is in this case I'm contributing.

I just don't get why people can't admit to plain truths (or in some cases, we rewrite history and pretend like it was always a plain truth). It's a weird phenomenon. We get nowhere with politics because if we don't like a conversation, we just change the conversation.

It’s not ironic that you’re contributing. You co tribute all the time.

The bold is where you get hung up all the time on race issues and other PC crap.
IDK, but I did a quick search and stumbled on a SNOPES story about a baby being shot because the cops thought his pacifier was a gun. Turned out to be false, LOL.


I'm just curious about that BB gun claim. Have a tendency to be very distrusting of what people say or what it is reported they have said. Seems to me if that was SOP then at least once over the past couple of Decades a BB gun would have been planted.
This thread and the protests are not about the city as a whole, it's about the CJS and LEO's. Middle America has been proven wrong that they did have a legitimate beef.

Instead of saying, "yeah we were wrong" or condemning the police, or doing what we can to affect change, the response is "they shouldn't have rioted", "they should elect better leaders", and "they supported the gun protest".

You are right, but how is that not deflection? You can't just accept a plain truth. You can't be humble enough to stay quiet. You are compelled to deflect from the plain truth.

Seems again that you are misinterpreting "us."

cops are bad at times, no one debates that.
cops are bad to minorities at times, no one debates that. Sure this particular case is one where they are right, and I am sure there are plenty more cases out there. but painting with a big brush doesn't help.

none of us (read the reasonable people) disputed the actual protests. just the riots, and the unwillingness/inability of the protesters to stop it. heck most of them were like your middle america, refusing to even admit it happened. now thankfully some helped clean up afterwards, and we gave them kuddos, but if your actions domino into some bad behavior in others you need to take a second look at what you are doing.

imagine this same scenario with an 2nd Amendment twist. we have a bunch of peaceful protesters with guns and a bunch of rioters with guns. you think there is a whole lot of distinction made in the media about that? how much defending are you going to do for the peaceful guys?
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I'm just curious about that BB gun claim. Have a tendency to be very distrusting of what people say or what it is reported they have said. Seems to me if that was SOP then at least once over the past couple of Decades a BB gun would have been planted.

The sad part is say he is lying and this part about the BB gun isn't true, it's just another type of CJS issue. He'd be a cop lying under oath, probably because the DA offered him a great deal? What if the DA is out to get the Sergeant for political reasons or to further his career?

Fortunately, we have plenty of other cops here who testified (but who were also under the gun or previously convicted), drug dealers, and maybe the least compromised party, the bail bondsman who testified to reselling drugs for the cops.
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