Baltimore Unrest

With all the verified corruption that's been revealed since the Baltimore riots, are people finally willing to admit that BPD is worthy of (peaceful) protest? This **** is outrageous. This is from just one day of testimony (out of 8 days):

Ward testified that his squad would prowl the streets for guns and drugs, with his supervisor, Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, driving fast at groups of people and slamming on the brakes. The officers would pop their doors open to see who ran, then give chase and detain and search them. Ward said this occurred 10 to 20 times on slow nights, and more than 50 times, “easy,” on busier nights.

The officers had no reason to target the crowds other than to provoke someone who might have drugs or a gun into running. “A lot of times” guns and drugs were recovered in this way, Ward said.

» Ward said Jenkins liked to profile certain vehicles for traffic stops. Honda Accords, Acura TLs, Honda Odysseys were among the “dope boy cars” that they would pull over, claiming the drivers weren’t wearing seat belts or their windows were too heavily tinted.

» Ward said Jenkins also believed males over the age of 18 carrying bookbags were suspicious and attempted to stop them.

» Jenkins would portray himself as a federal agent, telling drug dealers that he was taking their money and drugs but would let them go because they weren’t his ultimate target.

» Ward said the officers used illegal GPS trackers to follow the movements of some targets.

» Jenkins would ask suspected drug dealers, “If you could put together a crew of guys and rob the biggest drug dealer in town, who would it be?” The officers would use the answers to determine who to target, Ward said.

» Ward said the officers kept BB guns in their vehicles “in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them.” He did not say whether the officers ever planted a BB gun on anyone.

» In one incident, police took a man’s house keys, ran his name through databases to find his address, went into the home without a warrant and found drugs and a safe. The officers cracked open the safe, which had about $200,000 inside. They took $100,000 out, closed the safe back up, then filmed themselves pretending to open it for the first time. “Nobody touch anything,” Jenkins can be heard saying on the video, which was played for jurors.

» After the man’s arrest, Jenkins listened to the man’s calls made from jail. He was discussing the officers taking his money, and said he wanted to hire a good lawyer to go after them. Ward said Jenkins determined the man’s wife was arranging his legal matters, and wanted to cut her out. They wrote a note purporting to be from another woman, saying the man had gotten her pregnant, and left it in the man’s door, Ward said.

» Later, Ward said Jenkins contacted him about wanting to rob the man again. They met at an apartment, where Jenkins and Hersl sipped Twisted Teas and discussed a robbery. Another time, he proposed a different robbery, and showed the officers a large black bag that was full of balaclava ski masks, black clothing and shoes. Another bag contained tools such as a crow bar, battering ram, and a rope with a grappling hook. “I didn’t understand that part,” Ward said of the grappling hook. Both bags were emptied out for jurors in the courtroom.

Notable testimony from the Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force corruption trial - Baltimore Sun
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With all the verified corruption that's been revealed since the Baltimore riots, are people finally willing to admit that BPD is worthy of (peaceful) protest? This **** is outrageous. This is from just one day of testimony (out of 8 days):

Notable testimony from the Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force corruption trial - Baltimore Sun

The entire city government needs to be dismantled. It's been run into the ground as a result of poor leadership. Including the police department.

I believe it is now the most dangerous city in the US. There was a gofundme setup back in January to provide temporary heat and layers for the students at the schools.

If I were the mayor I wouldn't show my face.
No it’s The Wire. I don’t know why anyone is surprised by any of this.

This is a weird comment since just 12 months ago, middle America was telling Baltimore they had nothing to complain about. I don't recall you piping in on the riot threads and saying BPD is corrupt, but if you did, my apologies. :hi:
they can be corrupt and the riots can still be dumb. especially when the riots were going after honest businesses and not really the cops.

They are protesting because they want a better society while they tear down the society they currently have? Doesn't make a lot of sense.
they can be corrupt and the riots can still be dumb. especially when the riots were going after honest businesses and not really the cops.

They are protesting because they want a better society while they tear down the society they currently have? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

Violent protest is undesirable, but people get fed up and act crazy. It's one thing to condemn violent protest, it's a completely other thing to say there is nothing to protest, which is my beef.

I've been saying this for years on this board, but if white America could just came halfway and believe minorities when they tell us something is wrong with the CJS, then race relations would be a whole lot better.
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This is a weird comment since just 12 months ago, middle America was telling Baltimore they had nothing to complain about. I don't recall you piping in on the riot threads and saying BPD is corrupt, but if you did, my apologies. :hi:

Baltimore has crap police and crap civilians. Crap all around.
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Violent protest is undesirable, but people get fed up and act crazy. It's one thing to condemn violent protest, it's a completely other thing to say there is nothing to protest, which is my beef.

I've been saying this for years on this board, but if white America could just came halfway and believe minorities when they tell us something is wrong with the CJS, then race relations would be a whole lot better.

agreed. but when crap cases get thrown in "our" face it makes it very easy to see the rest as crap. boy who cried wolf if you will. also there tends to be a strong implication that it never happens to whitey, the injustices. but when it does, at least on this board, you get the same response as if it was a minority.

unarmed white guy makes threatening moves at cop and gets shotgunned on a florida highway, we are calling him a DA and moving on.

black teenager beats up a cop in his patrol vehicle after robbing a store, and the minorities use it as a rallying cry.

also whenever they specify minorities it typically leaves the majority as part of the "them" that is the problem. or at least implied. again you aren't going to win over people with that attitude.
Violent protest is undesirable, but people get fed up and act crazy. It's one thing to condemn violent protest, it's a completely other thing to say there is nothing to protest, which is my beef.

I've been saying this for years on this board, but if white America could just came halfway and believe minorities when they tell us something is wrong with the CJS, then race relations would be a whole lot better.

A large portion of those were caught and don’t expect to be held accountable for their own actions. Let’s start with not breaking the law first, then, don’t run your smartass mouth or disobey orders, and maybe, just maybe, their arguments would have credence.

It’s no accident they were caught; but if innocent, the asshattery does not help. It’s simple. Defiance and arrogance only worsens the situation. Demagoguery then pollutes the foundational tenants of the law, all in the spirit of - LEOs are power mongering racists.
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A large portion of those were caught and don’t want be held accountable for their own actions. Let’s start with not breaking the law first, then, don’t run your smartass mouth or disobey orders, and maybe, just maybe, their arguments would have credence.

It’s no accident they were caught; but if innocent, the asshattery does not help. It’s simple. Defiance and arrogance only worsens the situation. Demagoguery then pollutes the foundational tenants of the law, all in the spirit of - LEOs are power mongering racists.

It's like you're trying to make a sarcastic joke that they are servants and not a bunch of authoritarians but also saying you can't challenge the authority of these servants. Which is it?

If a cop is jumping out of his patrol car just to see if you run (with no PC), you don't run, and he still frisks you, I'd say it's your patriotic duty to mouth off and push back.
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It's like you're trying to make a sarcastic joke that they are servants and not a bunch of authoritarians but also saying you can't challenge the authority of these servants. Which is it?

If a cop is jumping out of his patrol car just to see if you run (with no PC), you don't run, and he still frisks you, I'd say it's your patriotic duty to mouth off and push back.

Don’t be a doofus. You know exactly what I meant, but your insatiable hunger for arguing and your white guilt got the best of you.
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Don’t be a doofus. You know exactly what I meant, but your insatiable hunger for arguing and your white guilt got the best of you.

Say I'm a doofus and don't get what you're saying...can you clearly state whether or not it's OK to challenge the authority of the police?
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agreed. but when crap cases get thrown in "our" face it makes it very easy to see the rest as crap. boy who cried wolf if you will. also there tends to be a strong implication that it never happens to whitey, the injustices. but when it does, at least on this board, you get the same response as if it was a minority.

unarmed white guy makes threatening moves at cop and gets shotgunned on a florida highway, we are calling him a DA and moving on.

black teenager beats up a cop in his patrol vehicle after robbing a store, and the minorities use it as a rallying cry.

also whenever they specify minorities it typically leaves the majority as part of the "them" that is the problem. or at least implied. again you aren't going to win over people with that attitude.

I agree that the CJS reformers have done a poor job of picking cases to champion.

What if Tamir Rice had been white? IDK if it was about color, but I am confused as hell as to why all of America didn't freak the **** out about that one.
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The people of Baltimore need to hold their leaders accountable. Unfortunately they keep electing the same idiots
And with the most notable exception of the American public electing a non politician President, they are different.... how again? We still have Bill Freaking Nelson and Little Marco Rubio in Florida...
The people of Baltimore need to hold their leaders accountable. Unfortunately they keep electing the same idiots


Schools don’t have heat and yet the mayor is spending money to bus their students to anti gun protests.


I'll be sure to pass your wise opinions onto the people of Baltimore.

What can we do, besides pass judgement? We should push to end the federal war on drugs. That would help Baltimore a ton.
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I agree that the CJS reformers have done a poor job of picking cases to champion.

What if Tamir Rice had been white? IDK if it was about color, but I am confused as hell as to why all of America didn't freak the **** out about that one.

that would be a better case to run with. that was more a fault on the dispatcher than the cops.

I go back to MLK, and the cases that are famous today from the civil rights era. you don't see the cases on a black person beating up a cop, or after robbing someone. you see an old tired lady on a bus, hungry people not getting served, you see peaceful protests and clear message. thats what changed America. not the riots, not the constant stories. this is all about optics.

there are many people ready and willing to help, many who have tried, but they get turned off whenever one of these "gray" cases pops up.
Huff, the excerpt you posted which revived this thread alluded to Baltimore Leo's keeping BB guns in cars as insurance if they accidentally shot someone.

Anyone one aware of a person being shot in last 2 decades and the Baltimore police claiming suspect had a BB gun?


I'll be sure to pass your wise opinions onto the people of Baltimore.

What can we do, besides pass judgement? We should push to end the federal war on drugs. That would help Baltimore a ton.

Deflection? Wtf are you talking about? You asked if people are finally willing to admit that the Baltimore Police should be protested. I guess if you care so much to go protest them yourself then please do pass my opinion on. Otherwise it's just as meaningful as yours is.

My response to your post is that many of these problems stem from their own insistence on electing the same incompetent leaders. A great example of which is the Mayor who uses tax dollars to bus kids to anti gun rallies instead of providing heat for the schools.
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The war on drugs is a failure, but Baltimore's problems go WAY beyond that.

This thread and the protests are not about the city as a whole, it's about the CJS and LEO's. Middle America has been proven wrong that they did have a legitimate beef.

Instead of saying, "yeah we were wrong" or condemning the police, or doing what we can to affect change, the response is "they shouldn't have rioted", "they should elect better leaders", and "they supported the gun protest".

You are right, but how is that not deflection? You can't just accept a plain truth. You can't be humble enough to stay quiet. You are compelled to deflect from the plain truth.
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