Baltimore Unrest

Honestly this was the state's best chance at a conviction. Truth be told, if I were in charge, I would drop the charges against the remaining officers. I think it would be better to have what angry response that comes all at once than building it up four more times.

Yeah. They don't have a plea chance anymore. Just drop them and don't waste taxpayer money
So Judge Williams today dropped assault charge against Lt. Rice he still faces a manslaughter charge, reckless endangerment, and misconduct. He went in facing 5 charges but the state dropped one of the misconduct charges and now the Judge dropped the assault. The Judge also said he was very close to dismissing the reckless endangerment indictment as well but decided against it. This has to be humiliating for the city prosecutors office.
So Judge Williams today dropped assault charge against Lt. Rice he still faces a manslaughter charge, reckless endangerment, and misconduct. He went in facing 5 charges but the state dropped one of the misconduct charges and now the Judge dropped the assault. The Judge also said he was very close to dismissing the reckless endangerment indictment as well but decided against it. This has to be humiliating for the city prosecutors office.

I don't know much about the prosecutors stance, but that mayor left them all hanging. I'm sure that tickled down.
I think the cops are definitely getting off. Prepare yourself Baltimore

For detaining and arresting a habitual offender who had been arrested 18 previous times for multiple drug possession/selling offenses and burglary charges.

This isn't 1968 and Mr. Gray was not a Baptist minister/activist in the civil rights movement.
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For detaining and arresting a habitual offender who had been arrested 18 previous times for multiple drug possession/selling offenses and burglary charges.

This isn't 1968 and Mr. Gray was not a Baptist minister/activist in the civil rights movement.

None of this means he deserved to die. Not sure what you mean by it.

You can't prove the cops are guilty but it seems like criminal negligence.
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The DA has opened up the city to retroactive lawsuits through all of this. Taxpayers could be dishing out some cash to these officers in the near future.
None of this means he deserved to die. Not sure what you mean by it.

You can't prove the cops are guilty but it seems like criminal negligence.

As I understand it there is considerable doubt as to the cause of his death with one explanation being he in effect did it to himself while thrashing around inside the van.

In the trial of the driver the video footage indicates it was not a "rough ride" situation.

Until (or unless) we know how he died it's hard to say the cops are guilty of anything.
None of this means he deserved to die. Not sure what you mean by it.

You can't prove the cops are guilty but it seems like criminal negligence.

Deserved to die? No. Did he contribute to his own death? It's very possible based on statements from officers and other passengers.
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So where are we? 3 acquittals and one mistrial? 2 more plus the mistrial to go?

3 acquittals, 1 mistrial. The remaining trials follow;

Officer Garrett Miller (July 27th) - two counts of second degree assault; two counts of misconduct in office; and false imprisonment

Officer William Porter (Retrial September 6th) - involuntary manslaughter; second degree assault; misconduct in office and reckless endangerment

Sgt. Alicia White (October 13th) - charged with involuntary manslaughter; second degree assault; and misconduct.
I feel like no one will be held accountable for Gray's death thanks to the combination of a terrible prosecutor and a screwed up system. Usually it's just the screwed up system, but the prosecution blew chunks here.
I feel like no one will be held accountable for Gray's death thanks to the combination of a terrible prosecutor and a screwed up system. Usually it's just the screwed up system, but the prosecution blew chunks here.

Should never have overcharged the officers to start with.
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As I understand it there is considerable doubt as to the cause of his death with one explanation being he in effect did it to himself while thrashing around inside the van.

In the trial of the driver the video footage indicates it was not a "rough ride" situation.

Until (or unless) we know how he died it's hard to say the cops are guilty of anything.

Sums it up pretty well.
I feel like no one will be held accountable for Gray's death thanks to the combination of a terrible prosecutor and a screwed up system. Usually it's just the screwed up system, but the prosecution blew chunks here.

If it were only guilt by speculation, then those involved would have been found guilty and given the maximum sentence allowed, while disbanding the entire Baltimore PD.

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