Originally posted by JennVols@Oct 11, 2005 6:34 PM
That's good news. Ronnie Brown against his ex teammate, Cadillac Williams should be a good game to watch.
Last weekend, my favorite teams didn't do very well. The Vols lost, the Dolphins lost, the Braves lost, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. did terrible in the Nascar race. I hope the Dolphins can win for me this weekend. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by VolunteerHillbilly@Oct 11, 2005 3:19 PM
Considering how bad our offense has been I think Bama will have to deal with alot of new looks and maybe some trickeration. I'd rather go down on interceptions in the end zone than to go 3 and out 12 times and get killed on the field position war.
Originally posted by GenNeyland9@Oct 11, 2005 4:10 PM
Being undefeated in early October is not being "on top." Get real. Bama's looked really good so far in the season, but they still have a long way to go. This is the same team that struggled mightily against a horrible Arkansas team.
By the way, if you really think the Tide will hang 42 on this defense, then I want a little taste of what you're smoking.
I also wouldn't advise "jogging" against any SEC team on the road, unless you want to get your head kicked in.
I know my fellow VN bretheren will let you have it right about now . . .
Originally posted by Roll Baby Roll@Oct 11, 2005 5:01 PM
Bama will not show the power they had in the Florida against worthless Ole Miss...they will do their jog and get the win...then it's time to sit at the dinner table and carve up Tenn 42-13
Good question. Where are our bama friends when we need them?
I am amazed at the amount of Bama fans that have come out of the woodwork since their big "Signature" win over UF....I still wonder how that could be a "signature" win over a team that has lost 5 games in each of the past three seasons and over ranked.
Originally posted by NCGatorBait@Oct 14, 2005 12:26 PM
You're kidding right? Bama still has more depth than UF and been on probation...hmm.