Bannon arrested

Hog said it better.

"There is no solid textual foundation for subpoenas or enforcement of subpoenas in the Constitution and the history of the practice is described as controversial, but the practice was allowed. " and then they passed laws. Its allsome, and not suspicious at all, that the government can give itself more power via circular logic.

Bannon & Dean and several others say "hello"
CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter also say "hello"
You know what I don't remember? People complaining about how Hilary got off without a conviction for contempt of Congress. You know why? Because as despicable of a POS as he is, Hilary testified for 11 hours for ol' Gym Jordan without incident.

Nobody cares but you ya big deplorable..
You know what I don't remember? People complaining about how Hilary got off without a conviction for contempt of Congress. You know why? Because as despicable of a POS as he is, Hilary testified for 11 hours for ol' Gym Jordan without incident.
Don't cry!
Hog said it better.

"There is no solid textual foundation for subpoenas or enforcement of subpoenas in the Constitution and the history of the practice is described as controversial, but the practice was allowed. " and then they passed laws. Its allsome, and not suspicious at all, that the government can give itself more power via circular logic.

I see a Supreme Court case looming.
You know what I don't remember? People complaining about how Hilary got off without a conviction for contempt of Congress. You know why? Because as despicable of a POS as he is, Hilary testified for 11 hours for ol' Gym Jordan without incident.
I am not even sure what to do with this non sequitur.

I also remember people complaining about when Congress was dragging baseball players in front of them.

Just because they CAN give themselves more powers doesnt mean they SHOULD give themselves more power. They are the legislative branch. Their job is to write laws. Just like the president shouldnt be able to pass laws (EOs), and the Supreme Court shouldnt be able to change them.
I hope they give him the max.
I probably wouldn’t give him that much for a non-violent victimless crime, but I’m curious how the pardon plays into sentencing. His history, if applicable, and the absolute lack of anything resembling remorse are going to make it worse for him.
I probably wouldn’t give him that much for a non-violent victimless crime, but I’m curious how the pardon plays into sentencing. His history, if applicable, and the absolute lack of anything resembling remorse are going to make it worse for him.
'The biggest con they have': Steve Bannon calls to SCRAP the Federal Reserve saying it has 'USURPED' the power of the people as he promises a 'democracy suppository' in November's midterms

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon demanded the end of the Federal Reserve in a rabble-rousing speech to conservatives on Friday night, saying fat cat bankers had taken too much power

Instead he demanded that control of the bank be handed back to the American people and slammed the way it had freely been printing money through the pandemic.

'We don't need to audit the Fed,' said.

'We need to end the Federal Reserve.

He laid down a fiery call to arms at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas.


Former White House Trump strategist Steve Bannon called for the scrapping of the Fed in a speech to conservatives on Friday. 'It's the biggest con they have,' he said

'We're at war. We are at war ... a political and ideological war,' he said

'Think about after high noon on the 20th of January 2021 when an illegitimate imposter took over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and took over the administration.'

But that has not tamed his rhetoric, and he has been broadcasting his War Room podcast from the CPAC conference, attracting a noisy crowd every day.

'The Fed's balance sheet is now about $9 trillion.

'The greatest export we have is the dollar but all of that rests on the shoulders of our children and grandchildren,' he said.

'Those are all due bills or income due.

'We've just cranked everything up. That's what they're talking about these ridiculous insane bills of trillions of dollars, because the Federal Reserve will print the money.'

And he called on the conservative movement to organize ahead of November's midterms.

'All they talk about an MSNBC is democracy, democracy democracy,' he said. 'We're gonna give them a democracy suppository on November 8.'

'The biggest con they have': Steve Bannon calls to SCRAP the Federal Reserve | Daily Mail Online
'The biggest con they have': Steve Bannon calls to SCRAP the Federal Reserve saying it has 'USURPED' the power of the people as he promises a 'democracy suppository' in November's midterms

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon demanded the end of the Federal Reserve in a rabble-rousing speech to conservatives on Friday night, saying fat cat bankers had taken too much power

Instead he demanded that control of the bank be handed back to the American people and slammed the way it had freely been printing money through the pandemic.

'We don't need to audit the Fed,' said.

'We need to end the Federal Reserve.

He laid down a fiery call to arms at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas.


Former White House Trump strategist Steve Bannon called for the scrapping of the Fed in a speech to conservatives on Friday. 'It's the biggest con they have,' he said

'We're at war. We are at war ... a political and ideological war,' he said

'Think about after high noon on the 20th of January 2021 when an illegitimate imposter took over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and took over the administration.'

But that has not tamed his rhetoric, and he has been broadcasting his War Room podcast from the CPAC conference, attracting a noisy crowd every day.

'The Fed's balance sheet is now about $9 trillion.

'The greatest export we have is the dollar but all of that rests on the shoulders of our children and grandchildren,' he said.

'Those are all due bills or income due.

'We've just cranked everything up. That's what they're talking about these ridiculous insane bills of trillions of dollars, because the Federal Reserve will print the money.'

And he called on the conservative movement to organize ahead of November's midterms.

'All they talk about an MSNBC is democracy, democracy democracy,' he said. 'We're gonna give them a democracy suppository on November 8.'

'The biggest con they have': Steve Bannon calls to SCRAP the Federal Reserve | Daily Mail Online

Glad to see he has learned his lesson.

He's an idiot. Crap like this will exacerbate his sentencing. At least I hope so.

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