Bannon arrested

Wall-a-thon, lol

If every Trump supporter who voted in 2016 would donate $80 we could raise enough money to fund and build most of the entire US southern border wall.
In a time of crisis Americans have always rallied to get the job done, we were never forced to rely on the US Government for anything until recent times. The time is now to stand up for your country with this small contribution.
If we continue down this dangerous path our children and grandchildren will never recognize the country that so many Americans died for to protect the freedoms we have today. Let’s not be the generation who lost it all by doing nothing.
God Bless,

Brian Kolfage Jr.
President – We Build The Wall, Inc
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Accused fraudster Brian Kolfage rants against feds on Facebook

Triple-amputee Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, charged in the border-wall fundraising scandal alongside Steve Bannon, is ranting online about his bust, claiming it’s all about politics.

“Looks like I struck a nerve with the [Southern District of New York]. They hate Trump, they hate the wall, they want to do anything to destroy our credibility in the media. I’ve never been shy with attacking them,” Kolfage ranted in a Facebook post Friday.

“Its the EXACT attorneys at the SDNY who are now attacking me, is this abuse of power to go after political opponents? is this where our country is at now?? has the legal system been fully weaponized?” he wrote.

In another Facebook post Thursday, Kolfage claimed his indictment was a “political witch hunt.

“Democrats love a good political witch hunt before the elections,” he ranted.

“Just remember these are the guys who went after a Trump and rudy giuliani last year!” he added.

Bannon called his own arrest “a political hit job” on his podcast Friday.

Accused fraudster Brian Kolfage rants against feds on Facebook
Accused fraudster Brian Kolfage rants against feds on Facebook

Triple-amputee Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, charged in the border-wall fundraising scandal alongside Steve Bannon, is ranting online about his bust, claiming it’s all about politics.

“Looks like I struck a nerve with the [Southern District of New York]. They hate Trump, they hate the wall, they want to do anything to destroy our credibility in the media. I’ve never been shy with attacking them,” Kolfage ranted in a Facebook post Friday.

“Its the EXACT attorneys at the SDNY who are now attacking me, is this abuse of power to go after political opponents? is this where our country is at now?? has the legal system been fully weaponized?” he wrote.

In another Facebook post Thursday, Kolfage claimed his indictment was a “political witch hunt.

“Democrats love a good political witch hunt before the elections,” he ranted.

“Just remember these are the guys who went after a Trump and rudy giuliani last year!” he added.

Bannon called his own arrest “a political hit job” on his podcast Friday.

Accused fraudster Brian Kolfage rants against feds on Facebook

If the facts are as reported -- fake invoices, fake shell companies to move the money around, claims that all of it would go to construction but over a million found its way to them -- his allegations are going to ring rather hollow.
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If the facts are as reported -- fake invoices, fake shell companies to move the money around, claims that all of it would go to construction but over a million found its way to them -- his allegations are going to ring rather hollow.

Homeboy needs to lawyer up and shut his pie hole.
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Bannon is toast. The Feds generally don’t indict unless they’re 99% sure they’ve got you. And adding to the list of rubes/incompetents that Trump has placed in positions of power, has anybody seen the goof that he appointed as Postmaster General? On my goodness. He is a caricature of a New Jersey mob boss. I thought I was listening to Tony Soprano. Of course he was a major donor with a logistics company so I guess that qualifies him to get the mail delivered. Again, this just keeps getting better. Anybody that thinks Trump is a good judge of character and ability is an absolute fool. His track record of appointments is all you need to consider. Unless you’re just too lazy, blind or brainwashed to pay attention.
Accused fraudster Brian Kolfage rants against feds on Facebook

Triple-amputee Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, charged in the border-wall fundraising scandal alongside Steve Bannon, is ranting online about his bust, claiming it’s all about politics.

“Looks like I struck a nerve with the [Southern District of New York]. They hate Trump, they hate the wall, they want to do anything to destroy our credibility in the media. I’ve never been shy with attacking them,” Kolfage ranted in a Facebook post Friday.

“Its the EXACT attorneys at the SDNY who are now attacking me, is this abuse of power to go after political opponents? is this where our country is at now?? has the legal system been fully weaponized?” he wrote.

In another Facebook post Thursday, Kolfage claimed his indictment was a “political witch hunt.

“Democrats love a good political witch hunt before the elections,” he ranted.

“Just remember these are the guys who went after a Trump and rudy giuliani last year!” he added.

Bannon called his own arrest “a political hit job” on his podcast Friday.

Accused fraudster Brian Kolfage rants against feds on Facebook
Is this some sort of defense of these criminals?
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How surprising. Not a lot of Trumplickers wanting to talk about this one. It seems one of their heroes got caught feeding at the trough and there’s no way to explain it away. And who believes that Trump didn’t encourage this group of bumbling crooks? Bannon was his guy. I’m sure Trump has already promised him a pardon so that Bannon doesn’t turn on him.
How surprising. Not a lot of Trumplickers wanting to talk about this one. It seems one of their heroes got caught feeding at the trough and there’s no way to explain it away. And who believes that Trump didn’t encourage this group of bumbling crooks? Bannon was his guy. I’m sure Trump has already promised him a pardon so that Bannon doesn’t turn on him.
No one is talking about it because no one gives a damn. The guy is a con.... he conned Trump supporters.... go beat off in celebration. He got caught and will be prosecuted.... as he should be.
My private insurance charging outrageous rates? Dude are you brain-dead? After everything was settled they paid 50k a piece on those bills to UTMC. My monthly premium is around $550. Do the math and see how that works out.

I was going to ask if they paid the entire $220k. My understanding is that the hospitals have prenegotiated rates with the insurance companies, but if you run up that bill without insurance you're going to get sued into bankruptcy for the full amount.
How surprising. Not a lot of Trumplickers wanting to talk about this one. It seems one of their heroes got caught feeding at the trough and there’s no way to explain it away. And who believes that Trump didn’t encourage this group of bumbling crooks? Bannon was his guy. I’m sure Trump has already promised him a pardon so that Bannon doesn’t turn on him.

What’s there to talk about? This is just another example of Trumps DOJ not playing politics with justice unlike his predecessors.
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I was going to ask if they paid the entire $220k. My understanding is that the hospitals have prenegotiated rates with the insurance companies, but if you run up that bill without insurance you're going to get sued into bankruptcy for the full amount.

Dems cry about privatized insurance companies being "the devil". Evidently it's just because they can't get it. If they can't get it, no one should be able to. "Universal" Healthcare won't work and doesn't work anywhere it's implemented. Talk to any Canadian. If it's all they know or all they've ever had, it's great, but once you tell them about our Healthcare they're like "we'll I'd rather have that".
Dems cry about privatized insurance companies being "the devil". Evidently it's just because they can't get it. If they can't get it, no one should be able to. "Universal" Healthcare won't work and doesn't work anywhere it's implemented. Talk to any Canadian. If it's all they know or all they've ever had, it's great, but once you tell them about our Healthcare they're like "we'll I'd rather have that".


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