Bannon arrested

Both Kanye and Kim were swimming in money when they got married. Sad what has happened to Kanye mentally. I hope he's getting the help he needs.

Apparently his family won't let him be filmed for the reality show, so that is at least a sign that perhaps there are lines they won't cross. I've had bipolar friends and family and the mere thought of one of their manic episodes being broadcast to a global audience is sickening.

Of course, that hasn't stopped Trump operatives from pushing his presidential run and doing the legwork to get him on the ballot at a time when he should be in therapy.
Grifters gonna grift

This is pretty small potatoes compared to the organized crime operation coming out of the Oval Office.

Trump Indonesia project is linked to Belt and Road Initiative

While the Chinese companies will not be directly involved in the construction or financing of the Trump properties, the theme park is a critical part of the 3,000-hectare development, which MNC describes as Indonesia’s “most prestigious entertainment & lifestyle project”.

Furthermore, Chinese companies are expected to put up US$500 million – half of the development’s projected budget – putting its success or failure in the hands of decision makers in Beijing.

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What’s there to talk about? This is just another example of Trumps DOJ not playing politics with justice unlike his predecessors.

Except he wasn’t punched by Trumps DOJ. Barr wasn’t in this loop or there would have been no loop
Bannon is toast. The Feds generally don’t indict unless they’re 99% sure they’ve got you. And adding to the list of rubes/incompetents that Trump has placed in positions of power, has anybody seen the goof that he appointed as Postmaster General? On my goodness. He is a caricature of a New Jersey mob boss. I thought I was listening to Tony Soprano. Of course he was a major donor with a logistics company so I guess that qualifies him to get the mail delivered. Again, this just keeps getting better. Anybody that thinks Trump is a good judge of character and ability is an absolute fool. His track record of appointments is all you need to consider. Unless you’re just too lazy, blind or brainwashed to pay attention.

Please don't compare our illustrious postmaster general to Tony Soprano;) Although Tony was a sociopathic criminal with no moral compass ---he WAS a fully realized character that I feel displayed moments of fleeting understanding concerning the banality of evil in this world AND his instrumental role in perpetuating the prosaic depravity we witness in our shared capitalist realist wasteland (which David Chase does a masterful job in characterizing as the souless 'burbia of West Caldwell NJ). Tony's one redeeming quality is that he is a searcher... he asks the right questions but alas, he is fundamentally incapable of incorporating recieved wisdom and truths into a behavioral/cogitive restoration. And thus is truly danmed---with no hope of finding true redemption or peace.

Alternatively, Mr. Dejoy appears to embody your run of the mill swamp creature ---a typical vapid/ordinary 1% crony capitalist plutocrat. I have a feeling that this gentleman is somehow blind to the irony that his wealth was built utiliizing the gubmint' run USPS --- "using his political connections for profit, given that his former company relied on government contracts — including from the Postal Service — for a substantial portion of its revenue."
FFS the man lives in a domicile nicknamed "The Castle" — with a staircase painted with 24-karat gold leaf. Somehow I doubt if Mr. Dujoy has performed a serious moral/ethical inventory of his life, or hypocritical business practices...He appears to be a one dimensional moneymaking cardboard cutout of a human.

You should check out this thing called Google. It's pretty cool.

Where Does Congress Get Its Subpoena Power?
Hog said it better.

"There is no solid textual foundation for subpoenas or enforcement of subpoenas in the Constitution and the history of the practice is described as controversial, but the practice was allowed. " and then they passed laws. Its allsome, and not suspicious at all, that the government can give itself more power via circular logic.
Hog said it better.

"There is no solid textual foundation for subpoenas or enforcement of subpoenas in the Constitution and the history of the practice is described as controversial, but the practice was allowed. " and then they passed laws. Its allsome, and not suspicious at all, that the government can give itself more power via circular logic.

You know what I don't remember? People complaining about how Hilary got off without a conviction for contempt of Congress. You know why? Because as despicable of a POS as he is, Hilary testified for 11 hours for ol' Gym Jordan without incident.
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