I really think it's borderline arrogant to believe...regardless of which side of the fence you land on this issue...that we fans know what buttons to push, what's appropriate, and what is effective for a team than the coach who is likely the most active/influential male figure in their lives over the course of 4-5 years. And that that coach has been successfully shaping, teaching, and molding young men over the course of a 36-yr head coaching career.
He isn't infallible, and he is prone to mistakes like any human being, but I don't think his words were spoken in haste or in anger, and he was calm when he said it. I don't think it's something that hasn't already been addressed multiple times with Uros and discussed with Uros in the game and afterwards. At some point, when behavior doesn't change, you have to take a more radical approach.
Publicly calling him out does a number of things. It further puts UP on notice that the behavior isn't acceptable. It lets the officials, administration, and fans know that the staff recognizes it and is holding him accountable (something that blandly stating "it's been addressed" doesn't do). And it hopefully is modestly embarrassing enough that it generates a change. Think of it like being called out in class for talking/acting up when the teacher was talking. It felt harsh and embarrassing, but it likely changed your behavior.