Gotcha. We have had a few bleeding hearts get literally and metaphorically chased away from a few projects in similar circumstances.
One property I remember in particular, on jackson in the Auburn neighborhood here in Atlanta had a client who was trying to do some extensive repairs to a section 8 apartment building. This is a client we have had for a while and all he does is affordable housing projects. The plan to do the work the client had to evict the half the residents, do the work on half the units, move the remaining residents into that half, and then do the other half and give the old residents first claim on the renovations. Well the residents found out he was going to let their leases expire to do work and had the city shut the project down to avoid gentrifying the historic neighborhood. Didnt matter that he had a legal agreement already to keep the rates the same as before, he was banned from doing repairs or upgrades.
Building got condemned about a year later. All residents kicked out, and now I am pretty sure it's part of a site getting turned into nice apartments by someone else. Actually it may be done now.
It is worrisome that people will fight you even when you are legitimately trying to help them.