Basillio's X says UT coaches kicking themselves

It's a business. Feelings may get hurt, but you gotta do what's best for the program, not the individuals.

The two are often one in the same. The program is as good to recruits as its reputation for how we treat individuals. So, if we have to turn away a prospect this year it can pay off in spades down the road. If a big time recruit wants to sign with us next year, he'll know to commit before the ship sails.
The two are often one in the same. The program is as good to recruits as its reputation for how we treat individuals. So, if we have to turn away a prospect this year it can pay off in spades down the road. If a big time recruit wants to sign with us next year, he'll know to commit before the ship sails.

Good point.
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Why people continue to read Basilios & so called X's stuff is beyond me.

He is far less a hack than you are: for real!!!! No Offense!!! He is a fan and in the media. Just deal with that! You can be both just ask Keith Olbermann. I know Wes Rucker and others have become turn coats and have turned their backs on the vols to be "professional" Media. But I prefer to hear info from someone who cares about the vols!!!!

Yes, I wear orange colored glasses and love it!!!!:loco::loco::loco::loco::loco:
He cares so much that he makes up crap like lovie smith is on his way to Knoxville and Bryce brown rented an apartment in Knoxville. Basillo is a fan of his own voice, can't believe you think otherwise.
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I'm sorry but it is sad as hell that we have to speculate who will be told to look elsewhere. A lot of these kids see what is being posted. That and most posters have no clue what is going on with certain players. Young is going no where; he wasn't recruited as a RB, he was recruited to fix our piss poor PR situation and is already working on getting better at the position without even having set foot on campus. Thompson personally wanted Harris and he was our first commit; I don't see him going anywhere. If you want to say we ask some players to look elsewhere or grayshirt fine but "fans" who name specific recruits and criticize them aren't helping our recruiting efforts.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :hi:
Coaches MUST keep their word or lose their credibility. They just need to learn from their mistakes. You can't treat young men this way who "commit" when offered by the coaching staff.

Absolutely none? Tell me how this is wrong:

1) Assume that the character of all recruits is the same, regardless of stars. Let's say that 20% of all recruits are low-character guys who will potentially hurt your program in some way. The exact % isn't important.

2) Assume that star ratings are absolutely reliable and regarded as such by coaches.

3) Assume there are 50 five stars, 150 four stars, and 750 three stars (think this is the approximate Scout model, though the precise numbers aren't important, just the relative amounts of each. There are many more three stars that four or five.)

4) Assume that coaches would not want a lot of guys with bad character and that they can reliably get a sense of a recruit's character through all the information they can gather. This is not perfect for sure and my argument doesn't assume that it is. Just that the character evaluation by a staff is significantly better than throwing darts.

First, if you are the head coach at a prestigious D1 University like Tennessee, how many of the 150 low-character 3 stars are you willing to take a chance on? Me? Zero - there are plenty others to choose from at this talent level, so if I see a red flag in a three star I don't pursue him at all. Didn't have time to consider 750 of them anyway, so this filter is most definitely ON.

How many 30 four stars with red flags would you take a chance on? Not so sure for me. If I've got a position of need and feel particularly good about a four stars talent level, I might take some a few chances here. Might pursue the 15 that I think have the best combination of needed talent and acceptable character risk.

What about 5 stars? There's 10 of them that have some red flags. How many do you pursue? Shoot, I like my job and need talent. I might decide that 7-8 of them are acceptable risks, even though I see red flags. Figure the risk is manageable, because I'm not going to get anywhere near all of them anyway. Can live with 2-3 guys here that I consider character risks.

Now, if you agree with all of that, great. What does your committment list look like with respect to character? The lower the star rating of a guy who is committed or signed by a high level program that has choices, the better the character ON AVERAGE. Doesn't say a thing about any particular highly-rated guy and says nothing at all about the entire pool of recruits (remember - all groups are exactly equal with respect to character). It just says that programs are not as likely to take recognized chances on lower talent guys than on guys who are projected to have big and/or immediate impact. That strikes me as fairly obvious and sensible.

If you don't agree with this, which specific point do you have a problem with, I wonder? I think the whole character/star argument is mostly a result of sloppy arguments and thinking.

Of course, I suppose I could be wrong. High level coaches might not care about the talent level when deciding whether to pursue a guy with red flags with respect to character. But that seems highly unlikely to me.
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Basillio reporting on his show today that his "insider", X, told him last night that UT's coaches are behind closed doors kicking themselves for taking some of the 3* commits that they took earlier in the year. Little did they know what would materialize with the Florida, Miami openings along with turmoil at UGA and how many recruits would still legitimately be in play for Tennessee at this point in time.

It'll be interesting to see if they're gonna tell some of our commits to start looking elsewhere.

This is asinine. Anybody could deduce this based on the recent events in Florida (miami). Luckily, I don't have to listen to Basillio in Memphis, but I'm beginning to wonder if this "X" character is actually a codename for his penis. You know, a real "insider" who he talks to on a regular basis.
The coaches are not gonna ask a guy to lookelse where. They r just gonna lay off big time and let some of their other coaching buddies to come on strong. Its easy forthem to turn a kid away without making it look like they did.
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Say you are dating a cute girl when the hottest girl in school starts showing interest in going to the dance. Do you straight up say, "Cute girl, it's not you... it's me. I just need some space?" No. You just stop calling cute girl every night after dinner... and she gets the message without you ever "breaking up" with her. Then you see her at the dance with some other dude... and it's cool, 'cause you are dancing with hot thang.

Same with recruiting. :boobies:
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Recruiting Forum (a place for people interested in discussing the finer points of recruiting...also voluntary)
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Thanks for sharing your insight. But I was referencing Basilio and X and there accuracy not recruiting forums.
Just as in business, if you can put more talent within your company/team, you do it, plain and simple. Recruits back out of so called "commitments" all the time. As much as I hate to utter his name, Kiffin & crew (all things set aside are great recruiters)have told recruits to look else where before. If we have to tell a few recruits sorry we need to move in another direction, or to walk on and earn it, then so be it....thats life get used to it!
I'm thinking that if some of the same commits decommitted we'd be lining them up to be shot.
I agree. It's funny how high character isn't quite so important anymore.
I'm fine with the class we got and have and wouldn't mind to make it even better, but just so everyone knows, there are 4 and 5* recruits who are high character also, the thing with most 4 and 5* recruits just do not want to go to UT.
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I know the age difference and maturity between coaches and recruits are obviously different , but recruits do change their mind at the drop of a hat. It is said all the time by posters at VN , "I will wait and see who signs in February" ... Point is , given our situation and the way other coaches recruit , I have no problem dropping a player for a better one. If Tennessee is going to get back to it's winning ways , we might have to hurt some people's feelings. The best coaches do it and you can't single out Dooley and expect him to be perfect in every decision he makes. As long as we are playing by the rules , I see nothing wrong with it.
I heard Alan Posey was told to look else where. He's now considering Talladega Tech, DeVry University and several Division 9 colleges. Possibly JUCO (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College)
Per Tu Madre.

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I heard Alan Posey was told to look else where. He's now considering Talladega Tech, DeVry University and several Division 9 colleges. Possibly JUCO (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College)
Per Tu Madre.

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Alan you are telling lies.

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