BasketVols in the NBA (Pros)

Looking like Grant’s gonna get a $40-$50 million dollar contract when he is eligible
I would appreciate some of you that understand NBA contracts better expanding on this. I think the rookie contracts are pretty much established based on where they are chosen in the draft and pretty much non negotiable. Are they good for 3 years and then players can negotiate with their current teams extensions or play out the final year? When are the really considered free agents?
I would appreciate some of you that understand NBA contracts better expanding on this. I think the rookie contracts are pretty much established based on where they are chosen in the draft and pretty much non negotiable. Are they good for 3 years and then players can negotiate with their current teams extensions or play out the final year? When are the really considered free agents?

First round picks fall within a scale, and you can negotiate between 80% and 120% for your annual salary based on that number. First round contracts are all 4 years with the first 2 being guaranteed and the last 2 as team options. Many times, even if the player has struggled some, the team picks up at least one option because the player was a first round talent at a very low salary for the league. I am pretty sure that after 4 years, the player becomes a restricted free agent if the team hasn't signed him to an extension.
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Am I a bad fan for being happy to see him slide down the boards haha? I very, very much want to see Kennedy return. It could make the potential of next season limitless.
It’s a risk/reward thing, I totally get it…if I said Chandler goes off next couple weeks, we get a 2 seed and a E8 and he leaves, OR he continues his current play, we get a 3 seed and S16 and returns, what’re you taking?
It’s a risk/reward thing, I totally get it…if I said Chandler goes off next couple weeks, we get a 2 seed and a E8 and he leaves, OR he continues his current play, we get a 3 seed and S16 and returns, what’re you taking?

Option 2 easily. I don’t think winning one extra game in March this year is enough if the other side is we bring back literally everyone but Fulky and have another year of improvement in the off-season. A team like that would have the chance to be special. Especially if BHH and Aidoo take that extra step and if we ever figure out what is wrong with Powell.

The sky really is the limit for this team next year if Chandler does return. Not to mention you could then redshirt Edwards which would be so nice.
I had no idea that the NBA still uses jump balls after tie ups. Shows how much I’ve cared about that sport for the last few decades. Now that TN players are being added to rosters every year Imma gonna have to get up to speed.

Did the Celtics trade Larry Bird? Is Magic still the best passer in the league?

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