Berkeley making jew free zones?

The only time I've ever heard that term was in relation to the South African government up until the early to mid 90's when they gave the country back to the natives. The rest is history.
Well if you read the link I provided, it obviously was a legal term that was introduced some 20+ years before South Africa was liberated from it.
So you post a link that basically mirrors one I posted? (though I'm less interested in the international reaction regarding your original contention as the OP refers to a domestic issue)
I'm not sure what you are driving at? Ok, so it allegedly mirrors your post?

And you didn't answer my question about why it matters whether they were Russian citizens or just representing Russia or whatever other nuance you were intending to make?
Let's not act as though the Israelis are just innocent bystanders. They've well earned plenty of condemnation for many of their tactics. That isn't me saying that a Jewish state shouldn't exist. I'm just saying that the Israelis have played a part in shaping their negative reputation.

Like our former Prez Obummer interfering in their election?

Or the continual threat from Iran to wipe them off the face of the planet?

Whatever you think of the “Jewish state” they are under a continual state of risk just by existing.
If I was a college aged Jew at Berkeley, I’d wear an Israel shirt and enter “the zone” and tell them to blow me
You'd not find 'the zone' (twss) since it exists only in the imagination of the writer and those who buy the headline.
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Like our former Prez Obummer interfering in their election?

Or the continual threat from Iran to wipe them off the face of the planet?

Whatever you think of the “Jewish state” they are under a continual state of risk just by existing.

Yeah, Obama did interfere in Israel election.
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I took a training class in Europe nearly 30 years ago and there were people from around the world there. Notably, there was a man there from South Africa and he didn't have many positive things to say about the US because of the sanctions we put on his country. He couldn't buy basic things that we could like a VCR or cordless phone and yeah I know it was high tech 30 years ago, but he wasn't allowed to buy them and bought the in Europe before he returned home. Now that we have interfered and turned his country back to the native population, they can't feed themselves, they're lawless and in general their once thriving country has turned to crap.
So for Rasputin, I suppose we liberated South Africa from apartheid and ruined their country at the same time.
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I took a training class in Europe nearly 30 years ago and there were people from around the world there. Notably, there was a man there from South Africa and he didn't have many positive things to say about the US because of the sanctions we put on his country. He couldn't buy basic things that we could like a VCR or cordless phone and yeah I know it was high tech 30 years ago, but he wasn't allowed to buy them and bought the in Europe before he returned home. Now that we have interfered and turned his country back to the native population, they can't feed themselves, they're lawless and in general their once thriving country has turned to crap.
So for Rasputin, I suppose we liberated South Africa from apartheid and ruined their country at the same time.
On the good side, there's no longer a very small minority ruling the masses there and controlling everything based on race. That arrangement can't be defended.
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I'm not sure what you are driving at? Ok, so it allegedly mirrors your post?

And you didn't answer my question about why it matters whether they were Russian citizens or just representing Russia or whatever other nuance you were intending to make?

You made this unambiguous assertion.

Well, we have sporting events, theatres and other venues prohibiting Russians from performing in various activities. Why is this any different?

I was (and still) not aware of any examples in the US where merely being Russian brought about such prohibitions. The closest example I had was the US Open and even then play was conditionally allowed.

Like our former Prez Obummer interfering in their election?

Or the continual threat from Iran to wipe them off the face of the planet?

Whatever you think of the “Jewish state” they are under a continual state of risk just by existing.
When did Iran ever say they were going to wipe Israel off the map?
You made this unambiguous assertion.

I was (and still) not aware of any examples in the US where merely being Russian brought about such prohibitions. The closest example I had was the US Open and even then play was conditionally allowed.
Why did you sneak in this caveat? I was speaking in a general sense about the Russian bigotry. I did not single out just the US.
You made this unambiguous assertion.

I was (and still) not aware of any examples in the US where merely being Russian brought about such prohibitions. The closest example I had was the US Open and even then play was conditionally allowed.

Not even Hitler put restrictions or conditions on black athletes in 1936.

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