Bernie Sanders Thread

I couldn't say. I just remember it was a '72 Z28. I'll ask him tomorrow. There is a '72 SS for sale in Spring Hill for $22,000. Orange with White racing stripes (perfect for a Vols fan, right?)

Dang teacher's salary :(
If it was a 72 Z28 ,it came from the factory with a 6500 rpm redline LT-1. Solid lifter camshaft, aluminum hi rise intake, 780 cfm Holley carburetor, forged rods, forged pistons, forged crankshaft, big valve heads, etc. The engine made the car. No offense to the other 72 Camaros, but they can't hold a candle to it.
If it was a 72 Z28 ,it came from the factory with a 6500 rpm redline LT-1. Solid lifter camshaft, aluminum hi rise intake, 780 cfm Holley carburetor, forged rods, forged pistons, forged crankshaft, big valve heads, etc. The engine made the car. No offense to the other 72 Camaros, but they can't hold a candle to it.

I had a 1968 RS and a 1985 Berlinetta.
Both were great cars.
I agree with that, but what about those who worked their factory jobs from the late 70s to 2008 when the bottom fell out of the economy. They weren't quite at retirement age, lost their pensions, and were stuck at or around age 50 with no more than the skills they learned in the factory and their high school diploma from 1979 (when very few people, let alone poor rural folks, went to college or trade school). When they went to find work, they were told they were too old and too unskilled. What work they could find paid half of what they'd worked 25+ years to obtain (and didn't include overtime, benefits, or even consistent full-time schedules). Many of them found that they could draw more on unemployment than they cpuld driving 60 miles (round trip) a day to the nearest factory that would have them at their age and skill level.

I can vouch for at least a hundred factory workers that this happened to in my county and surrounding rural counties. These are the people I empathize with, not so much those who feel entitled and choose to not learn a trade or to obtain an education (although it is ridiculously expensive to get one now).

Does that make more sense? I'm not defending laziness, I'm defending those who busted their asses, only to have the rug pulled out from under them in the later parts of their career, sticking them in limbo. Surely we all know someone who experienced this at the start of the recent recession?

That sucks, they need help, but assigning them a higher wage because of it is not and should not happen in private business. The fact that you would force this on a business owner is quite pathetic.

McD's will teach you how to advance. At 50, assuming they are personally marketable (not loaded with tats, have most of their teeth, don't have 8 pound of hardware in their face), and bust butt, they will advance them. If they are typical factory workers used to a union atmosphere, they are in trouble. But to accept a job knowing what the pay scale is going in and then complain that you "need to be and should be making more" because of the job you used to have is a refection of intelligence or lack there of.
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This can also be said of Trump. He avoids answering questions better than Manziel avoided Bama's D a few years ago.

But I get what you're saying. I'm not quite in Bernie's camp, I just am more aligned with his views than anyone else running so far. He could defintely handle the BLM protestors better.

Maybe tell them to go back to Africa or BET, like Trump did to the Univsion guy?

Thing is Loony Bern is literally just trying to give away as much free stuff as he can to win votes yet has no backbone to actually be able to do it. I am pretty sure Trump would tell people to get F'ed when he wants to. The guy is super abrasive. Sanders is an old communist hippie who has never set foot outside of his 95% white state of Vermont in decades and literally has no idea what he is talking about. I know this because the high school equivalency liberals I work with keep saying Oligarchy...
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That sucks, they need help, but assigning them a higher wage because of it is not and should not happen in private business. The fact that you would force this on a business owner is quite pathetic.

McD's will teach you how to advance. At 50, assuming they are personally marketable (not loaded with tats, have most of their teeth, don't have 8 pound of hardware in their face), and bust butt, they will advance them. If they are typical factory workers used to a union atmosphere, they are in trouble. But to accept a job knowing what the pay scale is going in and then complain that you "need to be and should be making more" because of the job you used to have is a refection of intelligence or lack there of.

Maybe they should be able to unionize? It'd allow them more bargaining power. Otherwise, like you've said, they have to settle for what they're offered.

Poll: Most Americans believe fast food workers should be able to unionize - The Washington Post
Thing is Loony Bern is literally just trying to give away as much free stuff as he can to win votes yet has no backbone to actually be able to do it. I am pretty sure Trump would tell people to get F'ed when he wants to. The guy is super abrasive. Sanders is an old communist hippie who has never set foot outside of his 95% white state of Vermont in decades and literally has no idea what he is talking about. I know this because the high school equivalency liberals I work with keep saying Oligarchy...

Outside of the different attitudes, Trump has more in common with Bernie than he does with the rest of the GOP. Yes, the leading candidate for the Republican party is left of the rest.
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Not going to disagree. Both agree on the trade agreements that I know. And trump hasn't promised to punish federal employees like the other Republicans. That's about where the similarities end.

Don't forget both are very much against illegal immigration workers.

And Trump believes his hedge fund friends don't pay their fair share. He has a populist view on taxes, it appears. Similar to Bernie.

"In recent weeks, Mr. Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on American companies that put their factories in other countries. He has threatened to increase taxes on the compensation of hedge fund managers. And he has vowed to change laws that allow American companies to benefit from cheaper tax rates by using mergers to base their operations outside the United States."

Doesn't sound like an establishment Republican.

Trump on Taxes: My Hedge Fund Friends Don't Pay Fair Share - NBC News
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Don't forget both are very much against illegal immigration workers.

And Trump believes his hedge fund friends don't pay their fair share. He has a populist view on taxes, it appears. Similar to Bernie.

"In recent weeks, Mr. Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on American companies that put their factories in other countries. He has threatened to increase taxes on the compensation of hedge fund managers. And he has vowed to change laws that allow American companies to benefit from cheaper tax rates by using mergers to base their operations outside the United States."

Doesn't sound like an establishment Republican.

Trump on Taxes: My Hedge Fund Friends Don't Pay Fair Share - NBC News
I haven't heard him cry about Jesus and he says what he wants with disregard to PC. I like that. I just hate his hair. BS's talk about oligarchy and trying to give "free" sh!t away just turns me away.
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I haven't heard him cry about Jesus and he says what he wants with disregard to PC. I like that. I just hate his hair. BS's talk about oligarchy and trying to give "free" sh!t away just turns me away.

"Oligarchy - a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution."

I can't say that he's necessarily wrong in his assumption. Power has been concentrated in the hands of a powerful few for a long time. Those people are often politicians and the very wealthy in bed together. The Supreme Court decision in 2010, concerning Super Pacs, has essentially given wealthy Democrat and Republican supporters an opportunity to buy a President.

His ideas of "free stuff" are things like college education opportunities and healthcare, via Medicare, for all Americans. Of course they'd be paid for through tax revenues.
Not going to disagree. Both agree on the trade agreements that I know. And trump hasn't promised to punish federal employees like the other Republicans. That's about where the similarities end.

What trade agreements does Sanders "agree" on? So far as I know, he opposes them.
"Oligarchy - a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution."

I can't say that he's necessarily wrong in his assumption. Power has been concentrated in the hands of a powerful few for a long time. Those people are often politicians and the very wealthy in bed together. The Supreme Court decision in 2010, concerning Super Pacs, has essentially given wealthy Democrat and Republican supporters an opportunity to buy a President.

His ideas of "free stuff" are things like college education opportunities and healthcare, via Medicare, for all Americans. Of course they'd be paid for through tax revenues.

Which means they're not "free".
"Oligarchy - a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution."

I can't say that he's necessarily wrong in his assumption. Power has been concentrated in the hands of a powerful few for a long time. Those people are often politicians and the very wealthy in bed together. The Supreme Court decision in 2010, concerning Super Pacs, has essentially given wealthy Democrat and Republican supporters an opportunity to buy a President.

His ideas of "free stuff" are things like college education opportunities and healthcare, via Medicare, for all Americans. Of course they'd be paid for through tax revenues.

It's odd but as an upper middle class guy I feel that no one wields any "power" over me. I do what I want when I want..within the limits of the law. I guess "the man" has me.. Corporations sure as f##k don't.
It's odd but as an upper middle class guy I feel that no one wields any "power" over me. I do what I want when I want..within the limits of the law. I guess "the man" has me.. Corporations sure as f##k don't.

Nobody said that they were oppressing everyone with their power or anything sinister, but to assume that lobbyists, corporations, and politicians don't use their power and wealth to push through legislation that contains provisions that benefits themselves is crazy.

That's where he is coming from with the whole oligarchy thing. The people don't have as much power as we like to believe or as much as we are told. Our votes rarely even count for much, and those with enormous amounts of wealth are able to out fund Presidential and Congressional candidates that they don't like, whereas we don't often wield that sort of power.

Check out Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission.
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"Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?"

Economist, Richard Wolff, discusses Bernie Sanders and the misconception of 'socialism' in America.

It's only 11 minutes long. He does an excellent job distinguishing public ownership and government control of the factors of production from democratic socialism that encourages private ownership.
Bernie and Hillary voted the same way 93% of the time

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a liberal Democrat on domestic matters, and Bernie Sanders is a socialist.

They voted the same way 93 percent of the time in the two years they shared in the Senate. In fact, from January 2007 to January 2009, Mrs. Clinton, representing New York, voted with Mr. Sanders about as often as she did with the like-minded Democrats Ron Wyden of Oregon and Barbara Mikulski of Maryland.
Bernie and Hillary voted the same way 93% of the time

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a liberal Democrat on domestic matters, and Bernie Sanders is a socialist.

They voted the same way 93 percent of the time in the two years they shared in the Senate. In fact, from January 2007 to January 2009, Mrs. Clinton, representing New York, voted with Mr. Sanders about as often as she did with the like-minded Democrats Ron Wyden of Oregon and Barbara Mikulski of Maryland.

Two idiots that lead this country to it's destruction.
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