Bernie Sanders Thread

Our family received food stamps and free lunches at school after my mother was treated for her brain tumor in her frontal lobe. She is disabled and has had seizures on occasion for 20+ years now. Stepdad was a welder and was burdened with enormous medical bills from her situation and my younger brother being diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. When we graduated high school, we received Pell grants and subsidized student loans for college, due to our low income status.

Damn, hate that for you.
All I can tell you is I personally have never known anyone that legitimately used public assistance. When the chips were down they had family to fall back on. Serious health issues could crush anyone financially. Did you qualify for Medicare?

I have known career abusers of PA. We all probably see them every day. That 20 year old kid wandering the streets aimlessly at noon on a Wednesday? He is obviously not working but eating. His "situation" is often meth or pain medication addiction.
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It sounds like your entire family (you, sisters, grand ma, brother) has used these services. What gives? Is everyone in your family just super unhealthy?

Well my siblings and I were children, so we couldn't help our situation. But yeah, I guess you could say we've had a string of misfortune.
Damn, hate that for you.
All I can tell you is I personally have never known anyone that legitimately used public assistance. When the chips were down they had family to fall back on. Serious health issues could crush anyone financially. Did you qualify for Medicare?

I have known career abusers of PA. We all probably see them every day. That 20 year old kid wandering the streets aimlessly at noon on a Wednesday? He is obviously not working but eating. His "situation" is often meth or pain medication addiction.

The medical costs are financially crushing, for sure. Especially when they hit so many times within one household. My mom and step dad are still struggling to pay them off, and my sisters and I help as much as we can. But we wouldn't likely have been in a position to help if not for these programs. I don't know man, I guess people don't really see it unless it hits home.
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Our family received food stamps and free lunches at school after my mother was treated for her brain tumor in her frontal lobe. She is disabled and has had seizures on occasion for 20+ years now. Stepdad was a welder and was burdened with enormous medical bills from her situation and my younger brother being diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. When we graduated high school, we received Pell grants and subsidized student loans for college, due to our low income status.

Sorry to hear about the hardships bro.

My folks were on food stamps when I was a little lad.

I think the US could have good social safety nets and people wouldn't be upset about the $$ factor if we stopped wasting money on non Americans.
Sorry to hear about the hardships bro.

My folks were on food stamps when I was a little lad.

I think the US could have good social safety nets and people wouldn't be upset about the $$ factor if we stopped wasting money on non Americans.

It's all good. We fight amongst ourselves too often for sure haha
A very outspoken man, Anslinger used the recent development of the movie theater to spread messages that racialized the plant for white audiences. In one documented incident, Anslinger testified before Congress, explaining:

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind… Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage."

In another statement, Anslinger articulated: “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

Glad he is stepping up to the plate.
A very outspoken man, Anslinger used the recent development of the movie theater to spread messages that racialized the plant for white audiences. In one documented incident, Anslinger testified before Congress, explaining:

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind… Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage."

In another statement, Anslinger articulated: “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”

Glad he is stepping up to the plate.

Are you quoting Harry Anslinger that died in 1975 or am I missing something here?
Bernie needs to quit sniffing glue

No no, let him do it. That way when he gets to the point where drool is stringing out of his mouth and his sentences become more incoherent than they already are, we can look at the Left and say, "THIS is what you supported".
Yes Bernie, the entire right wing is out to get women. Nevermind the fact that "right wing" is a very big umbrella of ideas that doesn't only mean neocon (who also aren't waging war on women) But keep saying that. Like goebbels said, if you keep saying a lie enough, it becomes truth.


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Yes Bernie, the entire right wing is out to get women. Nevermind the fact that "right wing" is a very big umbrella of ideas that doesn't only mean neocon (who also aren't waging war on women) But keep saying that. Like goebbels said, if you keep saying a lie enough, it becomes truth.

Funny.. I have not seen any guns?
First, I guarantee Bernie Sanders understands how collateral works. People are simplifying a much larger issue by conflating the facts -- trying to be funny.

Student debt is a major, major, major issue for this country. Too many young people are in major debt and cannot afford to start 'traditional American families'. I can dig up the numbers if someone is interested, but more and more millennials are missing traditional milestones. Many are putting off buying a home, getting married, and having children. The reasons: underemployed and student debt.

Now, I have a hard time being sympathetic for someone who amasses $50,000+ in student debt because they chose to go to a small, liberal arts school and earned a bachelor of arts in social work.

But then you have examples like me. Stayed in-state. Took advantage of HOPE scholarship and a teacher discount. Worked part-time during the year and full-time in the summers. Graduated in four years with a bachelor of science in business and earned a master of science (while on a full graduate assistantship). I still incurred $30,000+ in debt, with living expenses, books, general emergencies, etc. ($6,000/year).

Now I pay 6.9% interest on the student debt. I am gainfully employed and earn plenty of money to 'get by'. I have a small car payment (3.8%), a mortgage (3.125%), and my student loans as my main expenses. My student loans cost me roughly $280/month -- most of which is interest. I am taking advantage of a loan forgiveness program through the government, but must pay 120 consecutive payments (~$33,000) before my debt is discharged. If the government reduced my interest rate in half...I could save thousands of dollars of the next several years. I would put some of the money in savings, but the rest would be spent on new furniture, renovations on my home, paying off my car, taking a weekend vacation, etc.

Reducing interest is not an insane idea when you consider it a stimulus to the economy. It would increase spending and demand. The vast majority of folks are in the same or worse shape than me and would spend nearly every dollar on goods/services. Sure there is no 'collateral' for this debt, but we are talking about loans that the government actually earns money on. Loans that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Do some folks make poor decisions (degree choices) sure! But not everyone makes poor decisions...

Bernie might understand. But if he does he sure tried to muddy the water with a most disingenuous comparison.

A lot of us older than you went to school and paid our debts. This may shock you, but i have no interest in helping pay back your student debt. Stealing money from one taxpayer so you can spend it yourself is not a stimulus.
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Bernie might understand. But if he does he sure tried to muddy the water with a most disingenuous comparison.

A lot of us older than you went to school and paid our debts. This may shock you, but i have no interest in helping pay back your student debt. Stealing money from one taxpayer so you can spend it yourself is not a stimulus.

I paid back just over 30K and that would be inflation adjusted to about 40 - 45 in today's dollars.

I didn't like paying it back but it was my debt and responsibility. It was also at a higher interest rate than what people are paying today.
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You won't be subsidizing me or anyone else that borrowed using federal loans...the government is set to make $66 billion dollars off student loans provided from 2007-2012. Even Trump disagrees with the practice.

The borrowers appear to be the one's subsidizing others!

Also, the cost of tuition has risen dramatically over the last 30 years. Factoring in inflation, tuition in 1980 was around $2, the same education costs around $9,400. That is over a 300% increase in tuition. Boomers and Gen Xers need to wake up -- this is a real issue.

The 66 billion disappears if you don't require repayment or heavily subsidize the interest so the borrowers subsidizing borrowers is mute if you want debt relief.

Interest rates are lower today than in the past. I believe I was paying 9 or 10% and I had as much debt as you but in the 90s so inflation adjusted it was higher than your burden with a higher interest rate.
I'm not saying debt forgiveness, they have programs for that already. I'm talking about an interest reduction. That wouldn't wipe out the $66 billion it would simply reduce it. I'd propose something in the range of 4-5%. That would free up a significant chunk of change for new graduates and avoid costing taxpayers.

I will say,9% interest is ridiculous. There are so many other ways to raise money other than on the backs of college students.

I borrowed privately and was able to consolidate under a rate less than 3% when I graduated.

This was before everyone was forced into the government funnel. Interest rate reduction is more reasonable. The movement for forgiveness is crazy to me.

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