Besides the UT vs UCLA game

Clemson beating Alabama would prove the best team in the ACC can beat the fifth or sixth best team in the SEC. Big deal.
Are you trying to have the last comment in every thread on the Volls forum? don't have this one...
So which is it?

Personally, I would root for Satan against Alabama, but he already coaches there.

I am trying to say that I will not bring out my Bama foam finger and JP Wilson jersey for the game. But if Bama wins, I will be pleased because an SEC OOC win. If Clemson wins, I won't be upset because its Bama.
I am trying to say that I will not bring out my Bama foam finger and JP Wilson jersey for the game. But if Bama wins, I will be pleased because an SEC OOC win. If Clemson wins, I won't be upset because its Bama.

You're either for them or against them, no in betweens.
Miami just had 3 kids declared academically ineligible for the first semester today.
Yes, they will. Seriously though, I don't say that with 100% certainty. Now your Mizzou/Illinois pick I disagree with.
If Florida State couldn't beat them in Tallahassee last year, they certainly aren't winning in Miami this season.

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