Best and worst things you saw this weekend?


If you were there, you'd understand. My wife was on the verge of passing out, and we were leaving at half time. Fortunately for us, some friends with seats in the shade messaged us the there were a few empty spots beside them. We sat with them amd were there until the end.

I have only been to a few games that were as miserably hot. Thankfully it was against an opponent that couldn’t put up a fight and make it a close game.
It was miserably hot and humid. We almost left half way into the 3rd quarter, but thankfully the sunlight moved down behind the stadium about that time, put us in the shade, and we decided to stay for the rest of the game. I don't believe I have ever been to a game when it was any hotter and more humid than Saturday's.
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Best - TN putting up the second most yards of offense in UT history with Nico playing only one half where he set a school record for passing yards in the first half. Yes, the opponent was UTC, but we have played a lot teams, yet we have only put up over 700 yards twice before, Heupel at the helm for two of them.

Worst - SEC losing a slew of big time OOC games. USC over LSU, MIA over FLA, ND over TX A&M. With GA over Clemson, our conference went 1-4 in those games. Not a good outing for the “best” conference in college football.
The best conference this year is to be determined. The best of the recent past is without a doubt the SEC.
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Best: QB accuracy and solid depth throughout team, especially the big guys.
Worst: LSU opening season games the past 3 years. They should have throttled uscW!
UK was spotty but scrappy.
uscE was terrible
Vandy with a surprise, they might even win 5 games this year if they play uscE and MissSt/Ark.
Best - UT winning this game the way they should
Worst - Neyland Stadium only 33% full in the second half - looking like a ghost town
The new HIGH DOLLAR seats on the Home side are NEVER full regardless of the weather being harsh or pleasant.

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