He continued, "How much is too much? That’s very much in the eye of the beholder, and the eye of the individual fan. I don’t know how long this goes. I don’t know how many spinoffs it could support. I don’t know whether we should do any more or not, or is there something else we could do? That’s a very unsatisfying answer, but I’m taking it day by day and trying to figure it out."
Gilligan told Vulture that "The worst thing you could do for yourself, and for the fans, is to BS your way through it" and in discussing losing the audience's trust he said, "I’ve seen it get lost other places. It’s a terrible thing, and once you lose it, it doesn’t come back. There’s a lot of things I could bear losing in my life, but that would be bad."- VInce Gilligan
He entertains the possibility of more spinoffs but this was his overall response, and what makes me so damn good. They could milk this thing for a long time, but they won't