Beverly Hills residents arming themselves with guns in wake of violence



Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
Beverly Hills residents arming themselves after murder, violence
“I’ve always been anti-gun,” said Debbie Mizrahie of Beverly Hills. “But I am right now in the process of getting myself shooting lessons because I now understand that there may be a need for me to know how to defend myself and my family. We’re living in fear.”
She was likely anti gun when the little people felt unsafe and she didn’t want them to have guns to defend themselves. But now, that the real world has visited her paradise, she has changed her mind.
We need to start exacting a much, much higher penalty for gun crimes. Mandatory 10 year minimums. No parole

So look at the root. People are living in fear because of lawlessness and lack of enforcing existing laws and resultant penalties, which is a result of your ideology.
So look at the root. People are living in fear because of lawlessness and lack of enforcing existing laws and resultant penalties, which is a result of your ideology.

Oooorrrrrrrr... the lax gun culture of your ideology has allowed too many guns into the hands of criminals, causing citizens who dislike them have to arm themselves in response.
We need to start exacting a much, much higher penalty for gun crimes. Mandatory 10 year minimums. No parole

How about the DA in Los Angeles start upholding the laws & put criminals in jail.
How about Democratic run cities start putting criminals in jail who break the law.
How about Democratic run cities stop protecting the criminals & start protecting citizens.
How about Democratic run cities start using their god-giving common sense to uphold laws.
How about America do away with any kind of lunatic Democratic laws that never works out good for the American people & get back to living a normal life like we used to do.
Oooorrrrrrrr... the lax gun culture of your ideology has allowed too many guns into the hands of criminals, causing citizens who dislike them have to arm themselves in response.

As soon as the criminals start seeing their cohorts carried out of houses in body bags because the homeowner filled them with lead, then you will see the criminals leave them alone.

So what is wrong with more guns?
Oooorrrrrrrr... the lax gun culture of your ideology has allowed too many guns into the hands of criminals, causing citizens who dislike them have to arm themselves in response.

There are laws that prohibit felons from owning guns, so blame your inept government. I would be curious to see the % of early releases which are repeat offenders.
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The crime of a symptom we're continually treating without addressing the root cause.

What gun laws have changed in the past 20 years, so much so that anti gun owners in BH all the sudden switched? What has changed?
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How about the DA in Los Angeles start upholding the laws & put criminals in jail.
How about Democratic run cities start putting criminals in jail who break the law.
How about Democratic run cities stop protecting the criminals & start protecting citizens.
How about Democratic run cities start using their god-giving common sense to uphold laws.
How about America do away with any kind of lunatic Democratic laws that never works out good for the American people & get back to living a normal life like we used to do.

Woke has infected this country and it's being used to tear it down. It is the reverse affect of what it was intended to do. The only thing about it is when stop using common sense practices and fail to acknowledge rational changes that have been made organically instead of artificially to form a more perfect union then you have a society that hates each other. Over time that country will not stand because the hate is not sustainable. The debate is no longer about ideologic divides but race, inferiority vs superiority, fundamental flaws of the country that must be ripped apart and torn down. All fuses for disaster unless we continue to see what we saw in the state of Virginia and really NJ as well. Good people turning on race baiters and the gatekeepers of a revolution to destroy the basic fabric of society.
The crime of a symptom we're continually treating without addressing the root cause.

A major issue is it goes back to what is or is not happening within the family structure. The family structure does not solve everything but it contributes to a lot. Several of us have made this argument, but Ras and I for sure has contended it is one of the major factors if you could only point to 4 or 5 things especially in early childhood development.
We need to start exacting a much, much higher penalty for gun crimes. Mandatory 10 year minimums. No parole
Hey, Dingdong, a quote from the article:
During Black Lives Matter protests last year, Mizrahie told The Post, her neighbor’s home was firebombed with Molotov cocktails.
Unless gas, rags, and glass jars are "guns", you're talking that jibber-jabber, again.
So look at the root. People are living in fear because of lawlessness and lack of enforcing existing laws and resultant penalties, which is a result of your ideology.
Destruction of the nuclear family/single female lead households, shipping jobs overseas, loss or morality in most of the institutions (church, school, Boy/Girl Scouts, television/media, etc) in this country?
We need to start exacting a much, much higher penalty for gun crimes. Mandatory 10 year minimums. No parole
What the hell are you talking about? These people have a right to self defense so let them exercise it. And even though it’s CA these elitist azz wipes will get permits expedited. Then they can shoot the criminals and with a little luck they will wind up shooting each other ala Baldwin. There is literally no downside here.
Marijuana laws impacts 1 demographic more then the others... and now it's becoming legal.... harsher guns punishment will impact the same demographic negatively and eventually lead to less harsh gun laws. Just like weed....

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