Beverly Hills residents arming themselves with guns in wake of violence

Who needs dad's, just have the sperm donor stop by once a month to collect his cut of government cash. The village folks got this.
Fill the streets with drugs flooding in from the open borders. Close prisons/ free felons.
Outlaw legal gun ownership.
What could go wrong ?
Who needs dad's, just have the sperm donor stop by once a month to collect his cut of government cash. The village folks got this.
Fill the streets with drugs flooding in from the open borders. Close prisons/ free felons.
Outlaw legal gun ownership.
What could go wrong ?

Cats and dogs laying with each other... Mad hysteria!
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What the hell are you talking about? These people have a right to self defense so let them exercise it. And even though it’s CA these elitist azz wipes will get permits expedited. Then they can shoot the criminals and with a little luck they will wind up shooting each other ala Baldwin. There is literally no downside here.

You misunderstood. See above.
Who needs dad's, just have the sperm donor stop by once a month to collect his cut of government cash. The village folks got this.
Fill the streets with drugs flooding in from the open borders. Close prisons/ free felons.
Outlaw legal gun ownership.
What could go wrong ?
Isn't that what they are doing in Oregon??
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Crimes committed with guns or non violent stuff like possession of a sawed off shotgun?

Seems like a short shotgun with lots of rounds would be the ultimate home defense weapon. You have the rattlesnake thing (hearing someone rack in a shell), the horseshoe thing (close works), and more rounds because it's not there to give birds a sporting chance ... and less chance of a wild shot hitting a next door neighbor. For intruder defense it's probably just about as satisfying as a baseball bat - and more sure.
What gun laws have changed in the past 20 years, so much so that anti gun owners in BH all the sudden switched? What has changed?

Maybe the BH types have figured out the "overcharged" part of the population that they've been working to help out really were doing most of the felony shooting and other crimes and by not locking them up the violence has increased?
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Destruction of the nuclear family/single female lead households, shipping jobs overseas, loss or morality in most of the institutions (church, school, Boy/Girl Scouts, television/media, etc) in this country?

You know before we got busy replacing humans in industry with robots and sending jobs elsewhere, we used to have this saying that "idle hands are the devil's playground". What I'd really like to know is why humans have to learn the same lesson over and over again ... and will still forget it tomorrow.
Nobody has any problem with you owning a gun or two. I own a gun. My father first put a gun in my hand when I was 6. The reason the gov can step in and create excess laws is because you can't handle yourself. Not that you can't handle a gun. That you hoard an arsenal in your basement, go mad, and rent a hotel room with plans on killing as many innocents as you can. Stop being insane conspiracy cult dicks and the gov has no reason to treat you like one.
Oooorrrrrrrr... the lax gun culture of your ideology has allowed too many guns into the hands of criminals, causing citizens who dislike them have to arm themselves in response.
How can an attorney be so clueless? The “crimes” are done by criminals. Not law abiding gun owners. Criminals have guns that are not “theirs” and obtained from other criminals. Gun owners have guns that belong to them. The crimes around Beverly Hills are being done by the lawless individuals that the left have done nothing but protect. You’re getting to live what you asked for. You all should be happy. But take the guns away from those that are prepared to protect your asses and you haven’t seen lawlessness yet.
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Nobody has any problem with you owning a gun or two. I own a gun. My father first put a gun in my hand when I was 6. The reason the gov can step in and create excess laws is because you can't handle yourself. Not that you can't handle a gun. That you hoard an arsenal in your basement, go mad, and rent a hotel room with plans on killing as many innocents as you can. Stop being insane conspiracy cult dicks and the gov has no reason to treat you like one.
When I break the law and that happens then arrest me hell or even shoot me while I’m in the act. Until then GTFO with your thought police of what I might do Cletus 🤡
Nobody has any problem with you owning a gun or two. I own a gun. My father first put a gun in my hand when I was 6. The reason the gov can step in and create excess laws is because you can't handle yourself. Not that you can't handle a gun. That you hoard an arsenal in your basement, go mad, and rent a hotel room with plans on killing as many innocents as you can. Stop being insane conspiracy cult dicks and the gov has no reason to treat you like one.

You know before we got busy replacing humans in industry with robots and sending jobs elsewhere, we used to have this saying that "idle hands are the devil's playground". What I'd really like to know is why humans have to learn the same lesson over and over again ... and will still forget it tomorrow.

I was raised on a similar quote "idle minds are the devils workshop". Heck I find that is even relevant for me today.
Nobody has any problem with you owning a gun or two. I own a gun. My father first put a gun in my hand when I was 6. The reason the gov can step in and create excess laws is because you can't handle yourself. Not that you can't handle a gun. That you hoard an arsenal in your basement, go mad, and rent a hotel room with plans on killing as many innocents as you can. Stop being insane conspiracy cult dicks and the gov has no reason to treat you like one.
Lol there is not one person on here who did or will do what you are saying. Grow up
Oooorrrrrrrr... the lax gun culture of your ideology has allowed too many guns into the hands of criminals, causing citizens who dislike them have to arm themselves in response.

In the words of the late, great Charlie Daniels: “ now their trying to take our guns away and that would be just fine, if you take ‘em away from the criminals first I’ll gladly give ya mine.”
Nobody has any problem with you owning a gun or two. I own a gun. My father first put a gun in my hand when I was 6. The reason the gov can step in and create excess laws is because you can't handle yourself. Not that you can't handle a gun. That you hoard an arsenal in your basement, go mad, and rent a hotel room with plans on killing as many innocents as you can. Stop being insane conspiracy cult dicks and the gov has no reason to treat you like one.
The government has no right to “step in”, PERIOD. But where in the hell did this idea come from that gun enthusiast are renting hotel rooms to kill innocent people? I have several guns, a stock pile of ammo and not one round has ever it’s barrel intended for center mass of a human being. You’re talking about someone sick while attaching that stereotype to anyone with more than two guns and a hobby.
Seems like a short shotgun with lots of rounds would be the ultimate home defense weapon. You have the rattlesnake thing (hearing someone rack in a shell), the horseshoe thing (close works), and more rounds because it's not there to give birds a sporting chance ... and less chance of a wild shot hitting a next door neighbor. For intruder defense it's probably just about as satisfying as a baseball bat - and more sure.

It's not actually...

Believe it or not, an AR15 is far better suited to home defense than a shotgun.

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