Beware the Red Mirage and Trump sewing further discord, refusing to accept loss

That's interesting.

Since it's never happened, does anyone know who would bear the task of removing a political executive (prez or gov) who refused to leave office after losing the election???

I think it should fall to Congress since they represent the people to mandate an order of removal to the SS .
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The Roman Empire says you should think that through . You don’t want the worlds mightiest military to start determining who stays and who goes or when do you ?

Ok, but you didn’t answer the question.

But, the election of Lincoln in 1860 did directly result in the Civil War.

(Hog enters conversation in 3... 2... 1...)

I would assume the Secret Service (in a prez refusal to leave) might be the Sergeant at Arms.
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I would assume the Secret Service (in a prez refusal to leave) might be the Sergeant at Arms.

Given that Pelosi is in line to assume Presidency, I'd say let her do it.

Make it a pay-per-view cage match. National deficit solved!
Got ya, missed it. Maybe it should fall to Congress... The issue could be messy.

Congress has subpoena powers. So, I know they have authority to enforce some things. I don't know if they have authority to remove a lingering loser. Be kinda cool to see how something would play out.
The left doesn’t expect to win.
This mail in stuff is just another way to deny the results.
I still know people who think Al Gore was the rightful president

Bingo! They don't expect to win and they are setting the stage to paint Trump as illegitimate for his second term.
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Can’t win with dead people voting, a person voting 10 times in 10 different states, and throwing away republican mail-in-votes in the garbage. You can’t win, when a mail person sabotages the republican votes. You can’t win, when a volunteer burns republican mail-in-votes. You can’t win, when China sends in millions of voter fraud mail-in-votes, in which has already been caught. I think you get the idea of voter id, vote in person, and voting machines is the only way. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

All false. This is misinformation spread by Russia and Trump (one in the same, actually)
Bingo! They don't expect to win and they are setting the stage to paint Trump as illegitimate for his second term.

He's been illegitimate since day 1. No need to set the stage for what is already obvious.
With so many ballots coming in by mail and counting taking some time, keep an eye out for Trump prematurely claiming victory and refusing to accept a loss.

That's why he's trying so hard to undermine mail in voting. He setting up civil war because that's what will happen if he refuses to leave.
How hard is it to just post the link? This report from Bloomberg was talked about ad nauseam yesterday, and you stroll in here like this is your brain child or something. All the time.
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Yes and? Are you saying the Marshal Service will not due their sworn duty?

I get that you want to chicken little this thing but the US Military has zero business in domestic affairs.

I’m saying: suggesting a presidential appointee (especially appointees of this President) will be honorable rather than loyal to the president is laughable. A neutral, non-President appointed entity would have to do the duty of removing a losing president.

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