Beware the Red Mirage and Trump sewing further discord, refusing to accept loss

It looks like people would take that into consideration I mean it comes with using the postal service they misplace and lose things . Some will be liberal votes some will be Republican votes .

Democrats obviously feel as though they have a game plan to deal with this by extending the election into weeks of contested and delayed counting the votes around the country, or else they would not push it.

Aside from that this is not a partisan issue but a matter of running a clean, validated election without turning this into a banana republic spectacle. We can do that with absentee balloting, not simply mass mailing ballots to people who are not requesting them, and not knowing who returned them.
Why is yours the original topic? They are saying exactly the same thing. Your choice to get outraged over Trump instead is just pure hatred and bias.

I don't need to address Trump because I'm not the one grandstanding over the minucia of insignificant topics. You are.

If you can’t understand the difference between a candidate contending election results (which seems to happen in nearly every federal-level election now-a-days) and an office holder refusing to leave office after losing an election then I can’t help you.
The left doesn’t expect to win.
This mail in stuff is just another way to deny the results.
I still know people who think Al Gore was the rightful president
Democrats always do this. The SC stole the election in 2000. In 2004 the Diebold machines in Ohio screwed John Kerry. Then in 2016 it was the Russians. This time if they lose it will be because of voter disenfranchisement due to the pandemic.
The only way Trump wins is by cheating. I for one will not view him as legitimate POTUS
Then you have a duty as an officer of the court to overthrow him. We are behind you 100%. I mean, we are behind you a safe distance so we don't get shot as you take bullets from SS...but we are behind you nonetheless.
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You've got Putin poisoning his opponents, the political appointee DNI cutting off briefings to Congress as to Russian interference in the election to favor Trump, the DNI actually now withholding reports of Russian interference to help Trump, and a political appointee at the postal service suppressing likely Dem votes.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

The only way Trump wins is by cheating.
I know that this is a troll post, but this line of thinking is actually starting to pick up amongst some. The only way he can win is by cheating? Not that the Democrats, once again, nominated an awful candidate? Not because some independents might be swayed to him because they don’t like seeing cities being burned? What happens if Q3 GDP is 20% or higher? You think that might sway some people in the Midwest?
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Then you have a duty as an officer of the court to overthrow him. We are behind you 100%. I mean, we are behind you a safe distance so we don't get shot as you take bullets from SS...but we are behind you nonetheless.

I finally will get to say I know somebody infamous . LG will go down in the “ anal’s “
of history .
Sure they are. Due to the pandemic, many people are choosing to vote that way. Trump is stealing the election. He and those doing his bidding will at least end up in federal prison when the dust settles. Maybe worse.
You all can riot and protest but can't make it to the polls to vote? Interesting

Is this a threat against the President?
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I now that this is a troll post, but this line of thinking is actually starting to pick up amongst some. The only way he can win is by cheating? Not that the Democrats, once again, nominated an awful candidate? Not because some independents might be swayed to him because they don’t like seeing cities being burned? What happens if Q3 GDP is 20% or higher? You think that might sway some people in the Midwest?

I am sure that Trump will get plenty of votes in the Midwest. I am equally sure that Biden would get plenty in the South and in population centers, perhaps more but for the intentional acts of Trump and his cronies to suppress those votes premised on a baseless claim of fraud.

It is right in front of you. The evidence is overwhelming. Trump is cheating and is prepared to do more to hold on to power.
With so many ballots coming in by mail and counting taking some time, keep an eye out for Trump prematurely claiming victory and refusing to accept a loss.

That's why he's trying so hard to undermine mail in voting. He setting up civil war because that's what will happen if he refuses to leave.
This sounds so stupid.

"We're pushing for the type of voting that is INCREDIBLY easy to defraud. Ignore the reports of abuses to mailed-in ballots by Democrat activists. Beware Trump's cries of election fraud after the election."

It rings of a sex-crazed dude warning people to ignore the girl's accusations of rape as he's driving to her house.

I wouldn't be surprised if a civil war is on the way, but don't blame it on Trump. It's the liberals burning down cities, throwing cement milkshakes, and claiming to be on their way to the suburbs.

Kick rocks.
It’s always funny to see either side do this. I can’t think of Reps doing it recently but I’m sure it’s happened.

I remember when Dems we’re saying this about the 2016 election though. Then Hillary lost and it was all about the popular vote or Russians. Or when Gore lost and it was hanging chads.

The American people are fickle and can swing either way politically. We should safe guard from fraud but also ensure legal access to voting. I know both sides want to win and I think the honest ones on each side agree on the importance of accepting honest results, protecting voter participation, and letting the will of the people turn this big ole ship.

The dim's are trying to setup this whole mail in voting thing to create an election debacle and try to steal it. They know it and their political leaders are scum.
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I am sure that Trump will get plenty of votes in the Midwest. I am equally sure that Biden would get plenty in the South and in population centers, perhaps more but for the intentional acts of Trump and his cronies to suppress those votes premised on a baseless claim of fraud.

It is right in front of you. The evidence is overwhelming. Trump is cheating and is prepared to do more to hold on to power.

Did you hear that right wingers are planning protests at USPS facilities all over the US? Don't worry though, it will be a "mostly peaceful" protest with minimal burning of postal trucks and mail sorting centers, just a few bad apples looting the facilities of mail, equipment, etc, and only a couple of 'occupied zones' around key USPS hubs.
LG do you have a set amount of time after the election that it is valid to keep counting votes?

Do we go right up to inauguration? Make sure we really didnt miss any votes? Or do you call it once the Dems have enough?

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