Beware the Red Mirage and Trump sewing further discord, refusing to accept loss

Civil war is quite the reach... but nobody should be shocked if Trump doesn’t “accept” the results of an election in which he loses. I hope this happens, honestly. I would love to see folks from the pentagon drag him out by his hair, he’s been a pain in their side for years and they would jump at the chance.
What do you consider "accept"? I think everyone can agree he would say that it was rigged or that the Democrats stole it somehow, but that is no different than what happened in 2016.
Do you think he is going to try to be a squatter at the White House?
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What do you consider "accept"? I think everyone can agree he would say that it was rigged or that the Democrats stole it somehow, but that is no different than what happened in 2016.
Do you think he is going to try to be a squatter at the White House?

I’m not going to presume to predict the behavior of an irrational leader... but what if he does?
Civil war is quite the reach... but nobody should be shocked if Trump doesn’t “accept” the results of an election in which he loses. I hope this happens, honestly. I would love to see folks from the pentagon drag him out by his hair, he’s been a pain in their side for years and they would jump at the chance.
But this is fine?

"Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is," Clinton said in an excerpt posted Tuesday.

" We will win the election on November 3rd eventually if we never accept the results" in other words.
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With so many ballots coming in by mail and counting taking some time, keep an eye out for Trump prematurely claiming victory and refusing to accept a loss.

That's why he's trying so hard to undermine mail in voting. He setting up civil war because that's what will happen if he refuses to leave.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I’m not going to presume to predict the behavior of an irrational leader... but what if he does?
Act like adults and move the eff on while ignoring his DA. Once the attention dries up Trump goes away.

Why are you all validating his potential childish behavior?

If yall actually had issue with him all you would have to do is ignore him. His trolling loses what little power it has. His bad behavior isnt the focus of the nation. You already know he is a meglomanianic, all you are doing is feeding his ego. STOP.
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I’m not going to presume to predict the behavior of an irrational leader... but what if he does?
He hasn't said anything different than what Biden has said so you must be worried that Biden is going to sneak into the White House and refuse to accept the results. Right?,

Biden voice---, Comm'on man.
I’m saying: suggesting a presidential appointee (especially appointees of this President) will be honorable rather than loyal to the president is laughable. A neutral, non-President appointed entity would have to do the duty of removing a losing president.

How much tin foil do you have?
Nobody is going to refuse to leave office, BUT if that ever happened it should be the US Marshals and only the US Marshals.
So they are the ones to force an incumbent refusing to leave out of the office. Interesting.
I really don’t see the problem , if you don’t trust the mail at all vote in person , if you don’t trust the mail delivery time , mail it earlier and don’t wait until the last min . There will be a cut off time for the ballots to count . We all know this .
Because in practicality it doesn’t work that way. From the 2012 federal election cycle through 2018, 28-32,000,000 mail in ballots have disappeared been missed directed or rejected.

The problem is that media And leftist politicians are stating there are no problems with mail in ballots, that they’re the same as mail in ballots; this is false on both counts and it is not accurate to say that we all know this.

in the EU, 63% of countries only allow absentee balloting for overseas citizens, while w/photo ID, another 22% ban even that. Of those allowing mail in ballots, nearly all demand a request with a photo ID to receive an absentee ballot. The scheme proposed by the left in this country carries absolutely none of those voter security measures.

This election will see mail in balloting on a scale we’ve never attempted in this country, and these numbers will be magnified. Millions of people will lose their vote.
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Because in practicality it doesn’t work that way. From the 2012 federal election cycle through 2018, 28-32,000,000 mail in ballots have disappeared been missed directed or rejected.

The problem is that media And leftist politicians are stating there are no problems with mail in ballots, that they’re the same as mail in ballots; this is false on both counts and it is not accurate to say that we all know this.

in the EU, 63% of countries only allow absentee balloting for overseas citizens, while w/photo ID, another 22% ban even that. Of those allowing mail in ballots, nearly all demand a request with a photo ID to receive an absentee ballot. The scheme proposed by the left in this country carries absolutely none of those voter security measures.

This election will see mail in balloting on a scale we’ve never attempted in this country, and these numbers will be magnified. Millions of people will lose their vote.

It looks like people would take that into consideration I mean it comes with using the postal service they misplace and lose things . Some will be liberal votes some will be Republican votes .
But this is fine?

" We will win the election on November 3rd eventually if we never accept the results" in other words.

I think that's a reach. It reads to me that Biden should not conceded a close election the first night. Let the held-up absentee ballots get counted to make sure that the Trump/GOP effort to prevent them from counting is thwarted.
I think that's a reach. It reads to me that Biden should not conceded a close election the first night. Let the held-up absentee ballots get counted to make sure that the Trump/GOP effort to prevent them from counting is thwarted.
Those aren't sbsentee ballots. Let's be real
It looks like people would take that into consideration I mean it comes with using the postal service they misplace and lose things . Some will be liberal votes some will be Republican votes .

One or two lost ballots here or there out of 100 million would be no surprise. What is worrisome is the slowing down or killing off the usual processing of mail in a timely manner, targeted at the areas o fhte country likely to vote for Biden, right before the election, which is what has happened.

President Putinsproxy is a banana republic dictator.
Those aren't sbsentee ballots. Let's be real

Sure they are. Due to the pandemic, many people are choosing to vote that way. Trump is stealing the election. He and those doing his bidding will at least end up in federal prison when the dust settles. Maybe worse.
Sure they are. Due to the pandemic, many people are choosing to vote that way. Trump is stealing the election. He and those doing his bidding will at least end up in federal prison when the dust settles. Maybe worse.
The "pandemic" is a ridiculous excuse. Get to the polls or don't vote. I'm fine with a few accommodations like multiple days or senior hrs but this is way overboard.

100 million? That's fraud
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But this is fine?

" We will win the election on November 3rd eventually if we never accept the results" in other words.

Get really tired of ignoring legitimate issues in favor of something else you prefer to highlight. Why don’t we cover the original topic first instead of what-a-bouting everything?
Sure they are. Due to the pandemic, many people are choosing to vote that way. Trump is stealing the election. He and those doing his bidding will at least end up in federal prison when the dust settles. Maybe worse.
If you can protest in person against voting in person it's not an issue.

November is flu season territory. Unless anyone can prove undue dangers from the elections being held on that specific day you have a baseless fear.
Get really tired of ignoring legitimate issues in favor of something else you prefer to highlight. Why don’t we cover the original topic first instead of what-a-bouting everything?
Why is yours the original topic? They are saying exactly the same thing. Your choice to get outraged over Trump instead is just pure hatred and bias.

I don't need to address Trump because I'm not the one grandstanding over the minucia of insignificant topics. You are.

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