Beware the Red Mirage and Trump sewing further discord, refusing to accept loss

How can any Biden supporter think he's going to win after watching his turnouts when he actually leaves his house? Frankly he should be ashamed that a presidential candidate from a major party only gets a handful of people wherever he shows up. He doesn't even have the energy to campaign two days in a row.

I'll admit Trump's 39 percenters are more enthusiastic. Always have been. But that doesn't mean the Biden's voters won't show up. I'm voting for Biden but wouldn't walk across the street to listen to him (or anyone else) give a stump speech.
I'll admit Trump's 39 percenters are more enthusiastic. Always have been. But that doesn't mean the Biden's voters won't show up. I'm voting for Biden but wouldn't walk across the street to listen to him (or anyone else) give a stump speech.

LOL ...... voting for Biden to be President because you don't want Trump to be President .... is like eating gorilla poop because you don't like having two scoops of rocky road ice cream.
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I'll admit Trump's 39 percenters are more enthusiastic. Always have been. But that doesn't mean the Biden's voters won't show up. I'm voting for Biden but wouldn't walk across the street to listen to him (or anyone else) give a stump speech.
Since you live in Alabama it doesn't matter who you vote for because a democrat no matter how stupid or riddled with alzheimer's is never going to win there.
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Since you live in Alabama it doesn't matter who you vote for because a democrat no matter how stupid or riddled with alzheimer's is never going to win there.

Doug Jones says hi.

Since you live in Alabama it doesn't matter who you vote for because a democrat no matter how stupid or riddled with alzheimer's is never going to win there.
Yes but I'll vote for a stupid Alzheimer riddled Democrat over Donnie Trump even in a red state any day. And the nation and world will be better off if he wins.
With so many ballots coming in by mail and counting taking some time, keep an eye out for Trump prematurely claiming victory and refusing to accept a loss.

That's why he's trying so hard to undermine mail in voting. He setting up civil war because that's what will happen if he refuses to leave.
Do you mean like this?
I like the "trade mark". It's going to be a fun next 4 years when trump wins and the democrats let their heads explode.

Look at it this way, if what's happening in Portlandia and other places keeps up, we may be looking at the demise of ugly blue blobs on otherwise nice red election maps. Probably not; but you would think after watching the incompetence of democrat held city after city that some semblance of reason and reality would set in with the voters.
Can’t win with dead people voting, a person voting 10 times in 10 different states, and throwing away republican mail-in-votes in the garbage. You can’t win, when a mail person sabotages the republican votes. You can’t win, when a volunteer burns republican mail-in-votes. You can’t win, when China sends in millions of voter fraud mail-in-votes, in which has already been caught. I think you get the idea of voter id, vote in person, and voting machines is the only way. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Still perpetuating fake news I see. And, Old fake news at that I see. The Trump Voter fraud commission found 3 or so years ago that voter fraud amounted to something like .0027 percent. Translation none nada zilch

You clowns are as bad as Trump. Your BS has been proven wrong and yet you continue. Who TF do you think You are kidding ??
I like the "trade mark". It's going to be a fun next 4 years when trump wins and the democrats let their heads explode.

Maybe, anything is possible in 2020.

He may win or he may lose - I wouldn't put money on either one of them,
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How can any Biden supporter think he's going to win after watching his turnouts when he actually leaves his house? Frankly he should be ashamed that a presidential candidate from a major party only gets a handful of people wherever he shows up. He doesn't even have the energy to campaign two days in a row.

I guess people that vote for Biden aren't part of a brainwashed cult.
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