Beware the Red Mirage and Trump sewing further discord, refusing to accept loss

That's not the only reason Americans are being gunned down in the street. There are a lot of right wingers who seemingly want a civil war
You are right but when either side starts targeted assassinations of US citizens over political leanings then it may be time for a civil war.
It’s legal and where it’s crossed the line courts have reversed it. Answer this, if the dems are so against it why didn’t they outlaw it when they had complete control from 2009 to 2011?
I'm not a Democrat, but to answer your question is that they should have made it illegal.
Far too many of you guys respond with "what about the Democrats?" as if that is some sort of informed response
Trump Health Aide Alleges Broad Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt

The top communications official at the powerful cabinet department in charge of combating the coronavirus accused career government scientists on Sunday of “sedition” in their handling of the pandemic and warned that left-wing hit squads were preparing for armed insurrection after the election.

Michael Caputo, 58, the assistant secretary of public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, said without evidence that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was harboring a “resistance unit” determined to undermine President Trump.

Mr. Caputo, who has faced criticism for leading efforts to warp C.D.C. weekly bulletins to fit Mr. Trump’s pandemic narrative, suggested that he personally could be in danger.

“You understand that they’re going to have to kill me, and unfortunately, I think that’s where this is going,” Mr. Caputo, a Trump loyalist installed by the White House in April, told followers in a video he hosted live on his personal Facebook page. Mr. Caputo has 5,000 Facebook friends, and the video has been viewed more than 850 times. It has been shared by 44 followers.

Team Trump embraces this.

The department said in a statement: “Mr. Caputo is a critical, integral part of the president’s coronavirus response, leading on public messaging as Americans need public health information to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Mr. Caputo said Monday, “Since joining the administration my family and I have been continually threatened” and harassed by people who have later been prosecuted. “This weighs heavily on us, and we deeply appreciate the friendship and support of President Trump as we address these matters and keep our children safe.”

And he is interfering in basic government functions to help Trump.

Mr. Caputo delivered his broadside against scientists, the media and Democrats after a spate of news reports over the weekend that detailed his team’s systematic interference in the C.D.C.’s official reports on the pandemic and other disease outbreaks. Former and current C.D.C. officials described to Politico, The New York Times and other outlets how Mr. Caputo and a top aide routinely demanded the agency revise, delay and even scuttle the C.D.C.’s core public health updates, called Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports, that they believed undercut Mr. Trump’s message that the pandemic is under control.

Those reports, deemed “the holiest of the holy” by one former top health official for their international respect and importance, have traditionally been so shielded from political interference that political appointees see them only just before they are published.

He issues a call to arms for Trumpsters to keep him in office.

“And when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin,” he said. “The drills that you’ve seen are nothing.” He added: “If you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s going to be hard to get.”

I find myself praying and calling on the GOP regulars, like McConnell, to act to get rid of Trump before its too late.
Yep, it's an election year alright. Time to pull out all the negative "gotta stop Trump" by all means necessary ads.

Orange Man Bad. Stop Trump Now......he's destroying & burning down the USA. Gotta Stop Trump by all means.

Same ole song ...... different verse & a different week. Tomorrow will be something else to riot & cry about.
Disenfranchisement imo. How are cats going to vote?
How is it disenfranchisement if it's never happened before?

Imagine LGs response if Trump came out 4 months before the vote and said we were going to introduce some new method of voting. LG would flip his lid.

The voting process we have been doing is alreasy filled with flaws. And that's with years to prepare and established practices.

My issue with the proposed vote by mail has never been the actual voting by mail, but the process and timing behind it. There pretty much no reason to believe things will go well enough to cast some level of doubt on this election. There isnt enough time.
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