Bible Topic Thread (merged)

How do you attain it?

Perhaps I'm thinking of salvation as something different than you - I'm thinking an afterlife experience (a positive one that is).

I think there are universal or fundamental rules of human interaction that are remarkably similar across religions - so, basically being a good person is what I would consider the pathway. Otherwise, it's seems like a pretty raw deal for folks like the Dali Lama, Ghandi, etc.
Perhaps I'm thinking of salvation as something different than you - I'm thinking an afterlife experience (a positive one that is).

I think there are universal or fundamental rules of human interaction that are remarkably similar across religions - so, basically being a good person is what I would consider the pathway. Otherwise, it's seems like a pretty raw deal for folks like the Dali Lama, Ghandi, etc.

Who or what deteremines who is good?
If so, it is not being executed today. More crimes should just involve the guilty repaying the victim. The guilty serving time does not compensate the victim in anyway.

That is how it has evovled...... we have bastardized a lot....

The Jews are the chosen people of God and yet he will turn his back on them and not allow them into heaven, why?
The Jewish people are still looking for the Messiah. They don't believe he has ever came. They believe in the Old Testament only.
Who or what deteremines who is good?

The G-man. I think the vast commonality and staying power of fundamental views on the basics (e.g Golden Rule type stuff) is an instinctual part of our beings. In that sense, we are infused (by our creator) with the knowledge yet free to use it or lose it so to speak.
Personally I was raised to believe there will be all kinds of different religions in heaven. Totally not trying to fight but this is what bothers me about organized religion. Baptists all think they are here to save everyone and if you're not saved then you're screwed. Catholics are the same with Baptism, if you're not baptised you're screwed. And if you're Pentecostal and do not receive the gift of tongues, well then you're not doing it right and if you're a Sabbath keeping religion and whore yourself out to another religion that is not Sabbath keeping then you are out right sinning.
From everything I was taught, you have to repent, be baptized (the full immersion, none of this sprinkling stuff), and receive the gift of speaking in tongues in order to be considered saved, a.k.a. born again. Then you are pretty much guaranteed a spot in Heaven unless you screw up after the fact and never repeat the steps above.
This can work.......

You are correct, this can work. The only way it will not is if anyone speaks with anger and not concern for thier fellow human being.
As a Christian, I am commanded to speak the truth about the Gospel and God's plan of salvation.
Salvation is open to ANY one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and that he came to earth and died for our sins, rose from the dead.
All the other stuff is very open to interpretation and not preplusive to salvation.
OE it is so weird that you started this thread b/c ever since I read what you and Mania said about talking about stuff that doesn't matter your neighbor has died and gone to hell b/c you didn't talk to him about Jesus Christ. I have wanted to talk about that since then. It's things like that that make me a little sick over organized religion. I believe God judges the persons heart, sure witness and try to save all day but you can't say for sure what was in the neighbors heart. Furthermore it's not your place to "save" them, leave that business for God. Now talking about Jesus is fine but I just think Christians can be extremely arrogant.

My father-in-law is a pentecostal preacher and he stands by his opinion that if a person does not accept JC into his/her heart then they are not allowed entrance into heaven. So what about all those innocent children that were born in the jungle or in the middle East. I honestly believe Christians are capable of a hate that is frightning. So he thinks they will have an opportunity to accept JC at some point in their lives. The religion I was raised in says Jesus second coming will happen after every ear has heard the angels message of Jesus Christ.
I was baptized, totally underwater and I want the same for my children. My aunt was never baptized, do I think she is going to heaven, no doubt in my mind. In the Bible there are plenty of stories of men that were not saved until the last minute in front of Jesus himself. The two theives may not have been baptised and they certainly didn't stand up in front of church and declare they are now saved. It was personal between them and Jesus.
I was baptized, totally underwater and I want the same for my children. My aunt was never baptized, do I think she is going to heaven, no doubt in my mind. In the Bible there are plenty of stories of men that were not saved until the last minute in front of Jesus himself. The two theives may not have been baptised and they certainly didn't stand up in front of church and declare they are now saved. It was personal between them and Jesus.

Baptism is an outward expression of your faith in Christ, NOT the moment of or a "sealing" of your Salvation.
If she was/is a believer, you will see her in Heaven.
Baptism is an outward expression of your faith in Christ, NOT the moment of or a "sealing" of your Salvation.
If she was/is a believer, you will see her in Heaven.

I thought that speaking in tongues was though.
Also, I always remember hearing that we will not know each other in Heaven as we did on Earth.
Baptism is an outward expression of your faith in Christ, NOT the moment of or a "sealing" of your Salvation.
If she was/is a believer, you will see her in Heaven.

Agreed, sorry I thought OE asked about baptism, maybe I just got on that kick somehow :birgits_giggle:
Anyone here happen to have ever heard of Rick Strawcutter? Talk about a Pentecostal extremist.
If you can find the lyrics or better yet an audio of Commander Cody's song "Will there be any in Heaven?", it pretty much covers one of my personal curiosities about the hereafter.

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