I stopped completely about ten tears ago. I slowed WAY down about 15 years ago. Before that...I do not remember getting home far too many times.
The Bible does not say that we can not drink. I stopped because I wanted to. I have many friends at Church that drink in most social settings. I just have a Coke and a Smile.
Throw them off one time and tell them they are going to go to hell..... be as serious as possible........
That is a good time!
Oh that would be priceless!
But that is just how I am.......
What I did one night was to take a guy, that did have too much to drink, to the wrong house and drop him off. We pulled around the corner and watched him try to put his key in the front door. It was pretty funny untill all the lights came on and I had to go keep the home owner from calling the...well ...you.
What I did one night was to take a guy, that did have too much to drink, to the wrong house and drop him off. We pulled around the corner and watched him try to put his key in the front door. It was pretty funny untill all the lights came on and I had to go keep the home owner from calling the...well ...you.
I have never found anywhere in scripture it says not to drink alcohol, and my Pastor cannot either. We are told not to be drunkards, as is only right. Some use the words about not harming the body as it is a temple, however, medical research has consistently shown alcohol in moderation to be healthful. Why do few of these persons not even mention smoking tobacco?
As for women in leadership in the church, some scripture is clear they should not be, and they should be subserviant to man. I think this is where I find it difficult to accept every word in the Bible as God's truth. In the times the books of the Bible were written, that women were to be under men was the status quo. Men were in control because they were physically stronger than women, and they liked it that way. So the Bible reflects the opinion of the day, not necessarily God's word. The decision of what to include in the Bible was made by men, Nicea 250 AD. How can we be sure the right choices were made? Some will say we have to accept it as part of having faith. I Believe in the Salvation of the soul through faith in Jesus dying for my sins, but I also have a logical God given brain that tells me men are not infallible.
Oh you're all over my point. That He knows I have no doubt, I just believe he's got no hand in the outcome, good or bad. It takes the "why did God" out of the equation because God had nothing to do with it. None of it. It's contradictory to have titles like "just and merciful" when even a cursory glance at the news makes that seem silly. Trick is, those descriptions aren't for this life but the next. (IMO) There was an old Sinbad movie where the phrase "Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel." was repeated several times. I liked the idea. It is foolish at best and arrogant at worst to think for even a minute that God has some kind of special favor or protection for you and yours. What makes you (or me) special? We also agreed on the salvation part, it's there for us, the rest is just life. Good, bad, tragic, whatever, not His problem.
You weren't preaching, all sounded good to me!
Your preception in this is all wrong. God DOES have a hand in the outcome of every situation. He controls it all. If he didn't want you on the earth anymore, he could simply pull the plug on you. You must realize that you're here for a purpose, and that is to do the " WILL" of God. Whatever that is, you have to search for yourself. I am a first hand experience that God is in conrtol of everything. I would like to share some of the dreams and visions i've had from him. I really wish your mindset on this would change, but thats not up to me. This is something you & God will have to sit down and work through. If you just open your mind to him, you would be suprised to know how much your perception is warped.