Biden admin denied females pregnancy leave

So its a lie that kamala denied them? They're lying?


The Biden White House declined to speak about the issue on record. Instead, an official noted anonymously that political appointees “do not enjoy the promise of federal employment past the end of the administration in which they choose to serve.” The official blamed the fact that the Trump administration dragged its heels on a quick and orderly transition as a reason why some on his team were caught off guard by the benefits ending.

“We understand that a few Trump appointees, including a handful currently on parental leave, submitted last minute requests to remain on government payroll,” the official said. “Because these requests were received so close to Inauguration Day … there was no way to implement an exception to the rule in a way that is fair to all outgoing appointees, including many who resigned as expected without making requests for extraordinary benefits.”

The official added that “appointees have been advised that they have options including COBRA and the Affordable Care Act.”

Clickbait headline painting political appointees looking for government handouts past there employment contract as victims.

The feigned outrage is comical.
All of them? They're not recommending cobra for current employees

From the article this one was based on

Sorry. I guess I read it wrong. The couple I read about had a child a few weeks ago and were expecting 12 weeks of paid leave each - both government employees - which seems excessive. The man went back to work early after the riot with the understanding he could resume his leave later. They both were terminated and lose paid benefits after the presidential change. It's an interesting case since they had already begun their leave.
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But if a Biden appointee wants a sex change, family medical leave is go for it.
Until Biden is voted out, refuses to do a transition plan so this type of issue comes up, and the people want to do it after the next guys inauguration.
That's something you would say if you have zero rebuttal to the destruction of your thread

Lol, no need to defend it. It's truth, you're not going to accept any rebbuttal anyways. You think you're so opened minded you'll be swaid by an argument oppsing your boy kamala?
Lol, no need to defend it. It's truth, you're not going to accept any rebbuttal anyways.

Then answer the question your article poses - should the govt provide healthcare benefits for people who are not longer employed there?
no, it's not truth

Then answer the question your article poses - should the govt provide healthcare benefits for people who are not longer employed there?

It depends on the plan. We don't know the plans, but those workers had plans and agreements in place or they wouldnt have said anything.
It depends on the plan. We don't know the plans, but those workers had plans and agreements in place or they wouldnt have said anything.
No it doesn't when they're recommending cobra to those employees. That tells me all I need to know

Should the govt be on the hook for paying for people who don't work there any longer? Answer the question like the socialist you are
No it doesn't when they're recommending cobra to those employees. That tells me all I need to know

Should the govt be on the hook for paying for people who don't work there any longer? Answer the question like the socialist you are

Lol, so now you're concerned about spending?
Why not, the gov is on the hook for killing babies and mutilated kids for sex change surgeries.
Lol, so now you're concerned about spending?
Why not, the gov is on the hook for killing babies and mutilated kids for sex change surgeries.
I'm always very consistent in my concern for spending. It seems you aren't since you're mad the govt didn't continue paying healthcare and benefits for people who no longer work there

You going to answer the question you created by starting a thread based on a headline? Or are you going to deflect and start on pedophiles, abortion, minorities, etc like you always do?
I'm always very consistent in my concern for spending. It seems you aren't

You going to answer the question you created by starting a thread based on a headline? Or are you going to deflect and start on pedophiles, abortion, minorities, etc like you always do?

As i said, most plans can cover someone beyond someone leaving an employer. I see it everyday, i work in the field. Employers make exceptions, agreement all the time concerning medical leave and insurance coverage.
As i said, most plans can cover someone beyond someone leaving an employer. I see it everyday, i work in the field. Employers make exceptions, agreement all the time concerning medical leave and insurance coverage.
Yeah, something that could have been addressed if the last clown has just accepted his ass kicking. If they're recommending cobra and the exchange they don't have the option to continue coverage.

You're right not to answer and show your true colors. Maybe next time you'll read the link instead of just the headline
If the workers were on medical leave when they were "laid off" I'm pretty sure the the .gov is required to pay them until their leave is exhausted. At least when I was working that's what we had to do as a private company, you couldn't lay someone off that was put on medical leave/disability.
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Yeah, something that could have been addressed if the last clown has just accepted his ass kicking. If they're recommending cobra and the exchange they don't have the option to continue coverage.

You're right not to answer and show your true colors. Maybe next time you'll read the link instead of just the headline

Lol, fact is kamal did this out of spite, the cobra is just is just an excuse.
If the workers were on medical leave when they were "laid off" I'm pretty sure the the .gov is required to pay them until their leave is exhausted. At least when I was working that's what we had to do as a private company, you couldn't lay someone off that was put on medical leave/disability.

This is normally the case.
If the workers were on medical leave when they were "laid off" I'm pretty sure the the .gov is required to pay them until their leave is exhausted. At least when I was working that's what we had to do as a private company, you couldn't lay someone off that was put on medical leave/disability.
You can lay them off or fire them if it's not for going on maternity leave. Then it's illegal. Gov policies may be different. If you extend x amount of maternity or parental leave, they should be able to complete the previously approved amount. This sets a precedent that is solely partisan rather than merit of the issue itself and that is a disgusting feature in the political landscape, currently.
You can lay them off or fire them if it's not for going on maternity leave. Then it's illegal. Gov policies may be different. If you extend x amount of maternity or parental leave, they should be able to complete the previously approved amount. This sets a precedent that is solely partisan rather than merit of the issue itself and that is a disgusting feature in the political landscape, currently.

They were informed they weren't getting the full leave time well before Biden took office. One couple was notified on December 17 and another on January 5. It wasn't partisan, it was a case of the people that told them their pay would extend past termination in the first place not knowing what they were talking about.

Clickbait headline painting political appointees looking for government handouts past there employment contract as victims.

The feigned outrage is comical.
It’s amazing you can detect such things one way but not the other. That’s what is comical.

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