Biden Cancer “Charity” Spent Millions on Salaries, Zero on Research

I don't understand how you can do this. Are we to judge what a politician says (mission statement) or what they do (recorded actions)? If it is both what they say and what they do, then which gives the best picture of real intent.
I believe it is action.

Please read the mission statement then you will have the info direct rather than from a third party. That should answer some of your questions.
Please read the mission statement then you will have the info direct rather than from a third party. That should answer some of your questions.
I read it.
Can you help me understand how a statement is superior to actions?
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You do know that the Biden Cancer Initiative was never meant to provide funds for research... Your source needs to correct this.

Go look at the Biden Cancer Initiative mission statement.
They spent like 80% of their funds on salaries. This is just another slush fund and should be treated as such. All foundations should be. He's not alone on this.
Depends upon who it is.
Biden is a profoundly horrible candidate who could barely get a sniff of hind tit the other three or so times he ran. Suddenly he is a 47 year career DC ace in the hole. LMAO we haven’t have a completely effective executive since Clinton. W might have been but got off track in year one and played horrible zone defense for the other 7 years due to 9/11. And of course that damned Patriot Act. Barry onward has been trash. At least on Trump I like the majority of policies but the whole package is desperately lacking. It just feathers in nicely with the last POS and current on deck POS admins.
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They spent like 80% of their funds on salaries. This is just another slush fund and should be treated as such. All foundations should be. He's not alone on this.

Everyone knows or should know why all people with extreme wealth and politicians start foundations . Taxes , Power , being able to push an agenda .
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Lol, yes they do. One fact about evolution is that evolution has never found a transitional fossil. Yet, it is worshipped.

First, you'll need to define what you're looking for when you refer to a "transitional fossil."
Creationists' demand for fossils that represent "missing links" reveals a deep misunderstanding of science
List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia,
Four Famous Transitional Fossils That Support Evolution,
Transitional Forms

Second, someone needs to help you understand what the term "worship" means, that is unless you're equivocating 'science' as a deity.
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They spent like 80% of their funds on salaries. This is just another slush fund and should be treated as such. All foundations should be. He's not alone on this.

The portion I put in Bold is simply not true. For many years I worked with foundations, they do a ton of great things for people. I'm not saying they ALL are great because some aren't very good.
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I read it.
Can you help me understand how a statement is superior to actions?

I think I understand what you are getting at. All I'm saying is you can't blame someone for not doing something they never said they would do. And it's irresponsible journalism to post misleading articles or headlines like the original post in this thread.
First, you'll need to define what you're looking for when you refer to a "transitional fossil."
Creationists' demand for fossils that represent "missing links" reveals a deep misunderstanding of science
List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia,
Four Famous Transitional Fossils That Support Evolution,
Transitional Forms

Second, someone needs to help you understand what the term "worship" means, that is unless you're equivocating 'science' as a deity.
The fact that they are using man-forced "evolution" to say evolution is a scientific fact makes me wonder if they realize they're making more of a case for an intelligent designer than not
I think I understand what you are getting at. All I'm saying is you can't blame someone for not doing something they never said they would do. And it's irresponsible journalism to post misleading articles or headlines like the original post in this thread.
That's completely fair.
Knowing what you know, would you (hypothetically) donate to the Biden Cancer foundation if you weren't financially strapped and could part with the money.
Evolution science should actually be written "science-ish"



I'd wager that many of the folks that will undoubtedly and eagerly mash the like button on your post would fervently argue that it's unquestionable that a snake talked, a flood covered the earth, an immaculate conception occurred, seas parted, water turned to wine and a Jewish carpenter rose from the dead. But yeah, they'll cackle at placing a -ish on the mountains of evolutionary evidence.
The fact that they are using man-forced "evolution" to say evolution is a scientific fact makes me wonder if they realize they're making more of a case for an intelligent designer than not

No clue what you're on about.


I'd wager that many of the folks that will undoubtedly hit that will eagerly mash the like button on your post would fervently argue that it's unquestionable that a snake talked, a flood covered the earth, an immaculate conception occurred, seas parted, water turned to wine and a Jewish carpenter rose from the dead. But yeah, they'll cackle at placing a -ish on the mountains of evolutionary evidence.
Possibly. And that's where those of us who live by faith err. We attempt to prove that which is based in faith.
Likewise, those here touting "science" accept "scientific proclamations" from others without any proof. In essence, they have faith in those making the claim without tangible evidence the claim is valid.

Paleontology is fascinating. Obviously there are gigantic fossilized bones. Paleo osteology studies those bones. The extrapolations are where I deviate from the "science".


I'd wager that many of the folks that will undoubtedly and eagerly mash the like button on your post would fervently argue that it's unquestionable that a snake talked, a flood covered the earth, an immaculate conception occurred, seas parted, water turned to wine and a Jewish carpenter rose from the dead. But yeah, they'll cackle at placing a -ish on the mountains of evolutionary evidence.

* Serpent
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No clue what you're on about.
That first article was saying that dogs going from wolves to domestic dogs with little fossil evidence is proof that evolution is fact with little to no transition fossils. Ignoring the fact that Humans made domestic dogs they way they are through specific breeding.
That first article was saying that dogs going from wolves to domestic dogs with little fossil evidence is proof that evolution is fact with little to no transition fossils. Ignoring the fact that Humans made domestic dogs they way they are through specific breeding.

You seem to be implying that "man forced evolution" caused wolves to become dogs by selective breeding.

Could I make a Calico house cat by the selective breeding of lions? Is this what you're implying?
That's completely fair.
Knowing what you know, would you (hypothetically) donate to the Biden Cancer foundation if you weren't financially strapped and could part with the money.

I do donate to various causes and foundations, the Biden Cancer Initiative would not be one of them. I don't know much about them and what they are/were trying to do, but it is a very small effort financially. Virtually all the foundations I've worked with had in excess of $100 million in the stock market.

I will share the names of two of my favorite non-profits, both very good people and organizations. Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children in San Antonio, love those people and Guide Dogs for the Blind love what they do.
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And.............. not a strong heartbeat at that.

Oh god.. This must be maddening.

edit: Just out of curiosity, has anyone in the Trump v. Biden avatar bet kerfuffle actually manned up?

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