Biden Cancer “Charity” Spent Millions on Salaries, Zero on Research

Look here you independent voter you. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in elections. There are drawbacks with Biden, but as a Black man, I refuse to support a party that continues to embrace racism. If a rally has Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags, that is not a rally or party for me. If you are in a position where you can overlook the hate, and you are ok with it, I don't know what to say.
Everyone can understand why you feel that way. Seriously, it's a bad look for Rs. But there are racists in both parties. Surely you understand KKK members and other hate groups vote for both parties.
But those fringe idiots aren't creating top-down policy for either side. Neither R or D politicians aren't beholden to them. Impugning a candidate because of who is in their group of supporters is like impugning an entire college football program for same reason. Racist vol fans don't sully our program and those morons don't distract from our love of UT football....even though it sux and I have no hope of a return to competitive standards.
You are a fool, if you think that. The ignorance that you sheep post about so called racism, show hiw ignorance some of you are. You have no problems with your party killing babies or worshipping evolution, (which in itself 1000x more racist than a flag or a statue.)

Research Darwins thoughts on blacks and indian, he derived all from evolution.

Does one worship evolution?
No one has ever said that Biden was a POS in his 47 years in Government until he ran for President. The Hunter Biden story fell flat, the Tara Reid story fell flat, now he we go with another story that does not show all the context.
Media ignored the Hunter story and now we are past #metoo because we all knew the first time it was used against a leftist it would be over. Biden's treatment of Justice Thomas alone shows him to be a POS
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Biden has made plenty of racist comments as well, yet you embrace him. And your same complaint about stereotype from your previous post applies to you assuming all Pubs are racist. Try holding both sides to the same standards. BTW, you seem perfectly willing to overlook hate as long as it's coming from the left. Your standards seem inconsistent.
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Look here you independent voter you. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in elections. There are drawbacks with Biden, but as a Black man, I refuse to support a party that continues to embrace racism. If a rally has Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags, that is not a rally or party for me. If you are in a position where you can overlook the hate, and you are ok with it, I don't know what to say.

LBJ says thank you for your dedication and unwavering support . Your argument needed some historical context . 😉
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You do know that the Biden Cancer Initiative was never meant to provide funds for research... Your source needs to correct this.

Go look at the Biden Cancer Initiative mission statement.
I don't understand how you can do this. Are we to judge what a politician says (mission statement) or what they do (recorded actions)? If it is both what they say and what they do, then which gives the best picture of real intent.
I believe it is action.
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"The Biden Cancer Initiative builds on the momentum of the Obama-Biden administration’s Cancer Moonshot effort. While still in office, Vice President Biden was called upon to lead a “Cancer Moonshot.” The language for this effort was specifically selected to elicit the memory of our nation’s 1969 effort to shoot for (and walk on) the moon—something that seemed nearly impossible at the time. The White House Cancer Moonshot had a clear, but sky-high, goal: to dramatically accelerate our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. In fact, the program aimed to achieve a decade of progress in 5 years by engaging federal agencies and initiating programs to establish collaborations focused on transforming cancer research and care.

In establishing the Biden Cancer Initiative, Vice President Biden and Dr Jill Biden strengthened their commitment to bring together all stakeholders in the oncology space to reimagine how the government, academia, nonprofits, and the private sector can better organize their resources to improve cancer care. The initiative works closely with patients and patient organizations, cancer researchers, cancer centers, research universities, governments, private and philanthropic sectors, and organizations including the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators to identify and address the critical issues in cancer prevention, research, and care to drive new actions and collaborations to find cures.

We work with everyone from big pharma to small biotech. Patient advocacy groups to academic institutions. We’re trying to engage all stakeholders in the conversation to channel synergies into collaborations that create new approaches to old problems. It’s all about system change.

Our goal is to create a universal way in which people can share their data. We are reviewing the data-sharing models and identifying which ones have the best chance of scaling to a true data repository.

We’ve encouraged as many people as possible to go to the website and share their story as part of the #cancerFIERCE campaign.

While cancer is personal, the cancer experience is not isolated. We launched the #cancerFIERCE campaign to tell the collective cancer narrative through the prism of a broad range of cancer experiences.

#cancerFIERCE is a message of strength, resilience, determination, purpose, and hope. It celebrates the FIERCE that we know is in everyone touched by cancer—patients, families, caregivers, healthcare providers, researchers, and many more.

People don’t often think of themselves as inspirational, but after reading these stories, I can tell you they truly are."

Their....initiative, LOL. So, what have they accomplished.......list them, instead of people just earning easy money to come up with inspirational bulls*** about personal experiences.........yeah, " to identify and address the critical issues in cancer prevention, research, and care to drive new actions and collaborations to find cures." Cancerfierce huh....

Good stuff.
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"The Biden Cancer Initiative builds on the momentum of the Obama-Biden administration’s Cancer Moonshot effort. While still in office, Vice President Biden was called upon to lead a “Cancer Moonshot.” The language for this effort was specifically selected to elicit the memory of our nation’s 1969 effort to shoot for (and walk on) the moon—something that seemed nearly impossible at the time. The White House Cancer Moonshot had a clear, but sky-high, goal: to dramatically accelerate our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. In fact, the program aimed to achieve a decade of progress in 5 years by engaging federal agencies and initiating programs to establish collaborations focused on transforming cancer research and care.

In establishing the Biden Cancer Initiative, Vice President Biden and Dr Jill Biden strengthened their commitment to bring together all stakeholders in the oncology space to reimagine how the government, academia, nonprofits, and the private sector can better organize their resources to improve cancer care. The initiative works closely with patients and patient organizations, cancer researchers, cancer centers, research universities, governments, private and philanthropic sectors, and organizations including the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators to identify and address the critical issues in cancer prevention, research, and care to drive new actions and collaborations to find cures.

We work with everyone from big pharma to small biotech. Patient advocacy groups to academic institutions. We’re trying to engage all stakeholders in the conversation to channel synergies into collaborations that create new approaches to old problems. It’s all about system change.

Our goal is to create a universal way in which people can share their data. We are reviewing the data-sharing models and identifying which ones have the best chance of scaling to a true data repository.

We’ve encouraged as many people as possible to go to the website and share their story as part of the #cancerFIERCE campaign.

While cancer is personal, the cancer experience is not isolated. We launched the #cancerFIERCE campaign to tell the collective cancer narrative through the prism of a broad range of cancer experiences.

#cancerFIERCE is a message of strength, resilience, determination, purpose, and hope. It celebrates the FIERCE that we know is in everyone touched by cancer—patients, families, caregivers, healthcare providers, researchers, and many more.

People don’t often think of themselves as inspirational, but after reading these stories, I can tell you they truly are."

Their....initiative, LOL. So, what have they accomplished.......list them, instead of people just earning easy money to come up with inspirational bulls*** about personal experiences.........yeah, " to identify and address the critical issues in cancer prevention, research, and care to drive new actions and collaborations to find cures." Cancerfierce huh....

Good stuff.
Best I can tell they have been given millions to host a town hall website. LMAO 😂

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