Biden Cancer “Charity” Spent Millions on Salaries, Zero on Research

Now it's time for the left to defend a piece of ****. Unbelieveable
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Push, pull, or drag meemaw in and if we can get her covid positive YOU'RE getting three thousand in dealer credit on the spot!
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Or maybe you can just admit that Biden is a piece of sh*t. And yes before you ask, I think that Trump is a POS as well.
No one has ever said that Biden was a POS in his 47 years in Government until he ran for President. The Hunter Biden story fell flat, the Tara Reid story fell flat, now he we go with another story that does not show all the context.
No one has ever said that Biden was a POS in his 47 years in Government until he ran for President. The Hunter Biden story fell flat, the Tara Reid story fell flat, now he we go with another story that does not show all the context.
He dropped out of the 88 campaign because why? Plagiarism. Once upon a time, the democrats cared about integrity.
No one has ever said that Biden was a POS in his 47 years in Government until he ran for President. The Hunter Biden story fell flat, the Tara Reid story fell flat, now he we go with another story that does not show all the context.
Have you actually read Biden's history? Pretty sure you haven't based off this comment. Yet you pledge allegiance because he's a Democrat. No different than those who pledge themselves to Trump. Don't put too much faith in people, they're only human.
No one has ever said that Biden was a POS in his 47 years in Government until he ran for President. The Hunter Biden story fell flat, the Tara Reid story fell flat, now he we go with another story that does not show all the context.
He is a POS. You just don't care enough to find it because he's got the D you want. You'll do anything for the D this time.
Have you actually read Biden's history? Pretty sure you haven't based off this comment. Yet you pledge allegiance because he's a Democrat. No different than those who pledge themselves to Trump. Don't put too much faith in people, they're only human.
I know his history. People are complaining about the Crime Bill, that was bipartisan and amended by the Congressional Black Caucus. Try again, you independent you.
I know his history. People are complaining about the Crime Bill, that was bipartisan and amended by the Congressional Black Caucus. Try again, you independent you.
What's the excuse for plagiarism?

I'm guessing you're pissed off because I don't share your love for Biden. Oh well. He's a career politician. He's not a man of high character. You do know it's true that both Trump and Biden can be pieces of ****, right? It's not a one or the other choice.
The party? I'm sure you will. You're a faithful little sheep to the Democrats. You're making that obvious.
Look here you independent voter you. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in elections. There are drawbacks with Biden, but as a Black man, I refuse to support a party that continues to embrace racism. If a rally has Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags, that is not a rally or party for me. If you are in a position where you can overlook the hate, and you are ok with it, I don't know what to say.
Look here you independent voter you. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in elections. There are drawbacks with Biden, but as a Black man, I refuse to support a party that continues to embrace racism. If a rally has Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags, that is not a rally or party for me. If you are in a position where you can overlook the hate, and you are ok with it, I don't know what to say.
Biden has made plenty of racist comments as well, yet you embrace him. And your same complaint about stereotype from your previous post applies to you assuming all Pubs are racist. Try holding both sides to the same standards. BTW, you seem perfectly willing to overlook hate as long as it's coming from the left. Your standards seem inconsistent.
Thats his way of, albeit weird, saying he thinks she is beautiful. Trump is no wordsmith. That being said. every father who loves their daughter says they are pretty, beautiful, princess, etc, etc.

Now where it gets weird is when you're fondling someone elses daughter, or kissing your grandson on the lips, or letting children stroke your legs in a pool...

Especially in public, at some formal gathering. The new marxist party will have pedophilia legal in 10 years, especially in cal.
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Look here you independent voter you. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in elections. There are drawbacks with Biden, but as a Black man, I refuse to support a party that continues to embrace racism. If a rally has Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags, that is not a rally or party for me. If you are in a position where you can overlook the hate, and you are ok with it, I don't know what to say.
Biden was the chief author of a bill that put countless black men in jail for ridiculous sentences. A bill that specifically delineated between powder cocaine and crack cocaine, with harsher penalties for crack. A bill that further stoked the war on drugs, which of course continues to wreck poor communities. How can any democrat sit with a straight face and say he's the pick for progressive America? I just don't understand. And his running mate is a former DA who also sent plenty of minorities to prison for possessing devil drugs and refused to help exonerate an innocent black man on death row for years. If they ran in 1996 Biden/Harris is a lite conservative ticket running under the law and order banner. It may be the most bizarro thing of 2020.
Look here you independent voter you. I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in elections. There are drawbacks with Biden, but as a Black man, I refuse to support a party that continues to embrace racism. If a rally has Confederate Flags and Nazi Flags, that is not a rally or party for me. If you are in a position where you can overlook the hate, and you are ok with it, I don't know what to say.

You are a fool, if you think that. The ignorance that you sheep post about so called racism, show hiw ignorance some of you are. You have no problems with your party killing babies or worshipping evolution, (which in itself 1000x more racist than a flag or a statue.)

Research Darwins thoughts on blacks and indian, he derived all from evolution.
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