Biden climate actions to jolt electricity prices

There hasn't been anything stopping customers from leaving before now. I know Bristol left and I think Paducah, KY also.
Ya, looks like the key is using the existing transmission lines. I'm guessing Bristol and Paducah built new transmission?
So what is there a fine or something? Effn idiots.

Guess they should have sent more manufacturing to China. The Paris agreement was like one of those court settlements like where Westinghouse was caught gouging on nuclear fuel and utilities got their money back by reductions in the price they paid for Westinghouse spare parts. Marketing guys in their wildest dreams couldn't have thought up a better scam. China has no penalties for pollution, so developed countries can just offshore more manufacturing to keep under their limits - you just can't make this stuff up.
Ya, looks like the key is using the existing transmission lines. I'm guessing Bristol and Paducah built new transmission?
Not sure. I just know that they are close to the edge of their footprint. It wouldn't be much trouble to get transmission to them because of that. However, getting to a utility that is further within the footprint would be a problem, which may be what you are talking about. Instead of a new company having to invest in new transmission to serve the customer, this new thing you are talking about would allow the company to use existing TVA transmission lines. I'm not sure how that would work...
According to the article, the earth has been in a warming trend for 300 years, long before high carbon emission levels. And during 2020, we saw the largest ever reduction in global carbon emissions yet saw no reduction in atmospheric CO2 levels. Also, the US only accounts for 10 percent of emissions in the first place.

So, our plan is to spend a lot of money as a country and to increase the financial burden of our citizens by increasing taxes and electric prices in order to put a small dent in global carbon emissions with no evidence of a desired outcome resulting from our efforts?
The actual ”desired outcome” is our federal tax dollars being spent on “green energy”.

Huge scam and transfer of wealth.
Oh poor us! Poor, poor us! Let me guess. Your mommy and daddy never spanked you. All you hada do to get your way was start crying.
Yeah an expected response from a thief like you.


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