What I said about Trump-Hitler's policies being parallel, I stand by it. Just the same, what you're saying about the USA diverting from its Christian roots, can't be denied. The state of our national attitude, behavior, and abandoning morality spoken of by both Jesus and Paul is upon us, and I declare steadily worsening. The difference, perhaps, between you and me is that I don't see this being merely God's wraith, I see it as a fulfilling of prophesy in the making. The worst is yet to come. I think Trump, being what he is, and will be, is America's King Ahab. The ancient Israeli monarch, who's sinful nature, ushered in the dire prophetic warnings given the Israeli prior to entering Canaan. It took ages, but their persistent rebellion finally brought the steps to their destruction fully forth.
You see, God uses even the bad to do what the OT calls His strange act. The Lord is by nature a creator, but He is being forced to destroy. Trump isn't brining in an age of return to God, he's returning American to the age of bias, bigotry, racism, discriminatory behaviors, which are all anti-Christ in nature.
The best means to implement demonic destruction is to mingle the truth with falsehoods, muddy the waters, so to speak. And that's why I have posted before, that there are some things Trump says I agree with, cheer in fact. But I can't trust him due to his character, lies, and I myself saw him say he doesn't male mistakes, and doesn't accept Jesus as his personal savior. You need to patiently view the Netfilx documentary The Family, or fast-forward it to see with your own eyes where Trump says this when asked point-blank by the shadow Christian groups that REALLY runs America.