Biden Not Adding Taxes To Middle Class

I already did that. Why do so many of you'uns get personal when these issues are not about you or me? How effing old are you?
Since you asked, I’m 52 effing years old. The issue is the inherent unfairness of a graduated tax structure as well as the double and triple taxation people and businesses have to deal with.

Why are we taxing income in the first place? Warren Buffet is worth billions, yet takes only a $100K annual salary. His companies spend billions. Tax that consumption not the income it generates.
Income taxes are paid after the bottom line is settled, but executive salaries are not decided by profits. Executives who drive their company into bankruptcy often receive huge bonuses. By contrast, Trump's tariffs were paid by the importing company when the goods were received at the port and the cost was factored into the the prices paid by consumers in checkout lanes. Money is fungible, so you can make your argument, but it is the sort of flawed argument made by anti-taxers who make flawed arguments ginned up by public relations people who serve the top income tax bracket. They also argue that lower corporate taxes increase employment and pay for employees, but that argument is not supported by economic data for the past forty years.

Nice cut and paste
Since you asked, I’m 52 effing years old. The issue is the inherent unfairness of a graduated tax structure as well as the double and triple taxation people and businesses have to deal with.

Why are we taxing income in the first place? Warren Buffet is worth billions, yet takes only a $100K annual salary. His companies spend billions. Tax that consumption not the income it generates.

I started this thread, so you do not get to change the topic and then tell me what it is. If you are having trouble focusing, I suggest returning to the original post and reading it again.

lol Yeah, right.
The issue is that rich people can't be trusted with their money. So we need to hand it over to other rich people in govt to handle it for them. They've shown to be fine stewards already

If that is the issue in your thinking, then you do not know the issue and have nothing to offer this discussion.
lol Yeah, right.

If that is the issue in your thinking, then you do not know the issue and have nothing to offer this discussion.
If the discussion is based on your thread title then it started out as a lie. You've offered absolutely nothing to prove your thread is based on any truth whatsoever

The govt has plenty of revenue. It needs to cut spending. It needs to shrink
Duh. I wrote this off the top of my head. Consider yourself appropriately insulted so I do not have to get involved.
Dude, you can fling all the poo and insults you want, but err'ybody here realizes you has a bad case of the dumbs and anything you say is far from insulting.
Income taxes are paid after the bottom line is settled, but executive salaries are not decided by profits. Executives who drive their company into bankruptcy often receive huge bonuses.
That is absolutely absurd. It pretends that corporations are evil, faceless entities that exist just to line the pockets of executives. If I walk into our next Directors meeting and tell everybody that my salary isn’t dependent financial results or a trend, they’ll look at me like I’ve lost my mind.

It’s now gone from high earners being vilified to corporations. People don’t stop and realize that for every Walmart and Amazon there are hundreds of corporations with 5 employees that are just trying to keep the doors open.
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