Biden Not Adding Taxes To Middle Class

Giving government more money isn't the answer, I'll let you in on a secret...... It will never be enough.

Until the government adheres to a budget and decreases spending it makes no sense to increase taxes unless their only goal is to punish the working and successful.
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So what does that have to do with Trickle Down? Trickle Down works, period. There is no other way in our current Global Society to get money back to the worker. You have to incentivize companies to invest. If they don't invest there are no jobs. If there are no jobs there is no tax money. The cycle is an endless downward spiral. You can't be so blind that you can't see that?

Or maybe you are.

You need to lose the middle school writing style that ends with insult. Seriously, it makes you look bad. You also need to have a thorough look at U.S. economic history over the last hundred years. Saying that trickle down works is not nearly as wrong as saying African slavery works. Both work well for the owners, up to a point.
You need to lose the middle school writing style that ends with insult. Seriously, it makes you look bad. You also need to have a thorough look at U.S. economic history over the last hundred years. Saying that trickle down works is not nearly as wrong as saying African slavery works. Both work well for the owners, up to a point.

Welfare works too….for the government officials selling it for votes and robbing actual taxpayers to do it.
You were repeatedly calling people "bubbas" yesterday. Spare us the sermon.

I did not write a post and then end it with a personal insult. My view is that Ron DeSantis is a Bubba who appeals to the Bubba vote. That is up front. It might not be flattering but that is my position.
Just looked it up. The 2021 revenue estimate is $3.86 trillion which is $600 billion higher than anything achieved under Obama era rates.
Just wait until you research tax revenue as a percentage of GDP over the last 70+ years.
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If my posts do not offend you at all, they why do you reply to them with nonsense to insult me? Lookit, I am not the issue, and you are not the issue. So this needs to stop.
If you haven’t figured out by now that I think the majority of your posts are total horse💩, I can’t help you. It doesn’t mean I’m insulting you per se, but most likely I probably am.... but I’ll never stop

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