Biden state of the union

This is cute my local town had a 4th of July Parade and fireworks last year.😂👌

Its funny to think that there are so many that actually need this type of direction. I guess it makes sense though. I'd probably be a scared p###y too if I was a democrat with weak genetics watching a chinese plague wipe out my peers.
I made it through 4 minutes just now and got so angry I shut it down. Almost all the pain he was describing was unnecessary and inflicted by the government. We could have avoided most of the job loss, ALL of the educational loss for children, and a huge chunk of the mental health strain by a more focused approach (which I have advocated since early in the pandemic), most likely without any additional loss of life.

The disadvantaged future of so many kids, the lives lost to depression/suicide, the economic destruction....the blood is all on their hands. I hope these bastards realize what they have done.
The sociopaths that run this country want above all else your submission. They will settle for your death.
Thanks Joe but I'll be in a packed restaurant tonight with 7 other people at our table. But you keep hiding until July 4th rolls around. Just hope you don't pop your head out, see a shadow and declare 6 more weeks of lockdown
Literally murder.
This is cute my local town had a 4th of July Parade and fireworks last year.😂👌

Funny thing is that Maine has been pretty restrictive all along but Gov Mills came out a couple weeks ago and said there could be outdoor gatherings of up to 100 people as of May 24th. But thanks Joe for that little taste of freedom.
Does anyone have actual proof that speech was prerecorded? It wouldn't surprise me because he spoke better than any other time since he's been in office. Let's see how he does with a press conference.

Based on the last 5 years with a parent suffering from a cognitive disorder, Biden has recognizable symptoms usually associated with post early onset. We were counseled by neuros and mental health professionals and told to refrain from exposure to stressful high pressure situations. It could exacerbate their symptoms and even increase their decline. He's got the speech slur, talking to himself like nobody can hear, forgetting names, places, the doll eyes, etc. He's declined badly in the last year alone.

People say he stammers or stutters maybe sure but this isn't that. Look at his debate with Ryan, Biden smoked him. This version of Biden is a shell of that man. He won't make it 4 years.
Does anyone have actual proof that speech was prerecorded? It wouldn't surprise me because he spoke better than any other time since he's been in office. Let's see how he does with a press conference.

Based on the last 5 years with a parent suffering from a cognitive disorder, Biden has recognizable symptoms usually associated with post early onset. We were counseled by neuros and mental health professionals and told to refrain from exposure to stressful high pressure situations. It could exacerbate their symptoms and even increase their decline. He's got the speech slur, talking to himself like nobody can hear, forgetting names, places, the doll eyes, etc. He's declined badly in the last year alone.

People say he stammers or stutters maybe sure but this isn't that. Look at his debate with Ryan, Biden smoked him. This version of Biden is a shell of that man. He won't make it 4 years.

I doubt we ever see him do an unscripted PC.
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I will pass on the vaccine and never stopped gathering. That old worthless bastard isn’t crushing anything other than a viagra when he’s thinking about touching a 10 year old little girl.
What is your obsession with little girls? Its like every post.
I understand some may not want the vaccine but it's best everyone gets it. There aren't many good reasons not to.

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