Biden state of the union

Will supposedly announce that (1) all Americans will be eligible for vaccine by May, and (2) gatherings again by the 4th of July.

He's crushing it. And unlike Trump, the "it" isn't a porn star or golf ball.

I’ve been doing all the s**t I’ve wanted the entire time and don’t care about a vaccine. Same can be said for millions of others. He isn’t doing s***.
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LMFAO we’re gonna meet the goal by not screwing up the vaccination rate we’ve got. I don’t know what’s worse his inability to read a teleprompter or his speech writer
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This is the United States of America ..... Lol .......I'm glad to know he knows where he is tonight.

Back to his basement now for his ice cream & cookies. It's close to bed time.
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To summarize...he will decide what we can do and when...and if we're good and listen to Dr. Fauci, we maybe, just maybe, might be able to gather in small groups by the 4th of July.
Yeah f him and Fauci, I’ve done what the hell I’ve wanted this whole time and that’s not changing now.
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