Biden The Warhawk

America is closer to war today against a major power since the cold war with USSR.

The enemy sense's weakness and knows we have idiots now in charge of the major areas of government related to defense and world relationships from ambassadors to the secretary of state.

You may get over duping the left within the country but the truth comes out with the way we are treated by China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and etc. Right now this administration gets a D and the grade is falling.

The enemies of America are testing these bozos focused on critical race theory, lbgtq... issues, social justice, defund the police and illegal immigration with a whole base of new democrat voters who wouldn't give a damn about defending America against the enemy. Just soak up resources in hope of buying votes. As a matter of fact, how many of these rioters are drawing unemployment checks from the federal government and not going to school?

They are laughing at these dolts in charge.
I blame Bush for getting us started with an occupation of Afghanistan, Obama for continuing to keep us there and Trump for not pulling us out when he had the chance.

If Biden doesn't do anything else, getting us out of Afghanistan will be one of the few things I'll give him credit for. Only if it actuality happens
I blame Bush for getting us started with an occupation of Afghanistan, Obama for continuing to keep us there and Trump for not pulling us out when he had the chance.

If Biden doesn't do anything else, getting us out of Afghanistan will be one of the few things I'll give him credit for. Only if it actuality happens
I blame Bush for getting us started with an occupation of Afghanistan, Obama for continuing to keep us there and Trump for not pulling us out when he had the chance.

If Biden doesn't do anything else, getting us out of Afghanistan will be one of the few things I'll give him credit for. Only if it actuality happens

I third..but back to Syria is net zero.
"The Afghans feel abandoned to a legacy they blame at least in part on the Americans — a deeply corrupt U.S.-backed government and growing instability that could burst into a brutal new phase of civil war."

Yea....that is it. Ungrateful bastards who have been at civil war for 40 years.

At Least 1300 Pieces of U.S. Military Equipment Destroyed Amid Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal (

I'd be willing to bet the press release in 1989 wasn't much different though exchange the Soviets for the Americans.
I blame Bush for getting us started with an occupation of Afghanistan, Obama for continuing to keep us there and Trump for not pulling us out when he had the chance.

If Biden doesn't do anything else, getting us out of Afghanistan will be one of the few things I'll give him credit for. Only if it actuality happens
You mean the same Trump that didn't get any cooperation from military leaders as he was trying to pull out of Syria? You mean the same Trump that originally negotiated the May 1st withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden is dragging his feet on?

You mean that guy?
You mean the same Trump that didn't get any cooperation from military leaders as he was trying to pull out of Syria? You mean the same Trump that originally negotiated the May 1st withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden is dragging his feet on?

You mean that guy?

Look, I give him credit for getting us out of Syria (or trying to) and keeping us out of any new entanglement.

But he had four years to get us out of the Stan. It was obvious when he got into office it was a no win situation. So, yes, I blame him for not trying at least.
One thing for sure. Biden is full of it.

The one thing for sure is that our country would be better off without the painful imbecilities posted by you and your "read it on the radio" crowd. You would do better by sitting on a commode to spew your angry rehash from right wing lie factories.
The one thing for sure is that our country would be better off without the painful imbecilities posted by you and your "read it on the radio" crowd. You would do better by sitting on a commode to spew your angry rehash from right wing lie factories.

Triggered hateful ignorant're part of the problem w/a no unity message with that attitude.
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So, if trump said exactly the same thing the Rs would have been slobbering all over it while the Ds whines and gnashed their teeth.
So, if trump said exactly the same thing the Rs would have been slobbering all over it while the Ds whines and gnashed their teeth.
But Trump didn’t. In fact when Trump had every green light to bomb Iran for shooting down our RQ-4 he didn’t because he thought the loss of life was disproportionate. So pound sand with the “but Trump” in this case he’s the only one whom has shown any restraint in 20 years at escalation in retaliation.
But Trump didn’t. In fact when Trump had every green light to bomb Iran for shooting down our RQ-4 he didn’t because he thought the loss of life was disproportionate. So pound sand with the “but Trump” in this case he’s the only one whom has shown any restraint in 20 years at escalation in retaliation.

He made statements exactly like this one and you guys gushed while Dems bitched. It’s just hypocrisy
He made statements exactly like this one and you guys gushed while Dems bitched. It’s just hypocrisy
Oh ********. Again he didn’t escalate in retaliation in the RQ-4 downing. Where has he inserted new troop deployments? What were troop increases vs draw downs over his term. GTFO with this broke back tripe.

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