Biden Wins - Trump Loses

So me having to endure 4 years of your hatred should be forgotten because it is all in the past?
sure Chief. We all know that is exactly what it is all about.

Get your gun out of my ribs and we can talk.


The past 4 years was the product of very poor leadership. That time is over. The gun is removed. Today was a great day ☺️
He gone. Trump nightmare is over. Eff your feelings. Isn't that how you nuts said it?
A lot of people tried to give trump a chance in 2016. We put the country 1st. Obama himself was screaming for unity.

To answer your question, because Biden is actually trying to heal the country. He is literally running on empathy and inclusion. That alone should be enough
What the hell does this mean?

Obama was using FISA to spy on Trump, his campaign and his incoming administration.

You believe everything the MSM (ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, et al) reports, huh?
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Yea he slept through a lot of that bs. For giggles though, name one thing....
- Hunter’s board position with Burisma
- Leveraging the billion dollar loan guarantee to get the prosecutor fired who was looking into Burisma
- Flying Hunter to China on AF2 to make billion dollar deals with Chinese “spy chiefs”
- Grabbing 10% of the profits of the Chinese Hunter Biden run investment firm
I think he did great things with Obama.
LOL Like what? Ruin people's insurance? Steal even MORE money from those that earned it? Ship jobs overseas?

Now we get 2.0.

"If you like your job, you can keep your job"
I don’t take orders from 5 week alters afraid to post under their original username @volprof
Wait I thought I was Mick, spend less time searching the interwebs for baseless ridiculous articles that make you look like conspiracy theorist loser. Y’all pick an account please 🤡.

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