Biden Wins - Trump Loses

Your boy Obama has that title locked up but Harris will challenge him for that
Find a ranking that has Obama last.
The biggest stain on Obama will forever be that for multiple "reasons", his terms were followed by Trump's one term.
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Find a ranking that has Obama last.
The biggest stain on Obama will forever be that for multiple "reasons", his terms were followed by Trump's one term.
???. What a stupid statement. I’ve heard of blaming one president’s problems on whom They succeeded. But NEVER who followed them.
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???. What a stupid statement. I’ve heard of blaming one president’s problems on whom They succeeded. But NEVER who followed them.
What? I think half the posters in the PF have said that 8 years of Obama is what gave us Trump. The other half say Hillary gave us Trump. I'll always maintain that the people who voted for Trump gave us Trump.
Pound sand.
Make excuses for why your life sucks.

My life is great asshat but thanks for playing. I will just have to throttle back on my work since I will get hammered under his tax theft plan.

Work hard, because you are going to have to support me when I retire.
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What? I think half the posters in the PF have said that 8 years of Obama is what gave us Trump. The other half say Hillary gave us Trump. I'll always maintain that the people who voted for Trump gave us Trump.
And you are welcome for that.
I just can't believe that Russia had the leader of the world's most powerful country acting as a double agent for them and they couldn't rig another election to keep him in power.
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What? I think half the posters in the PF have said that 8 years of Obama is what gave us Trump. The other half say Hillary gave us Trump. I'll always maintain that the people who voted for Trump gave us Trump.
Wow!!!! Did you think this up on your own? Or did you have help? And your using this statement to maintain that the reason Obama was so bad is because of Trump? Very ingenious.
My life is great asshat but thanks for playing. I will just have to throttle back on my work since I will get hammered under his tax theft plan.

Work hard, because you are going to have to support me when I retire.
Didn’t know mopping the bathroom floors of a strip club paid over 400k
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LOL Like what? Ruin people's insurance? Steal even MORE money from those that earned it? Ship jobs overseas?

Now we get 2.0.

"If you like your job, you can keep your job"

Sigh, get over the fact that your outdated ideals and ignorance lost the day.
If you can’t, you’re free to leave the country just like trump detailed when the shoe is on the other foot.

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