Biden Wins - Trump Loses

Shout out to those who are handling this maturely. We all owe Biden a chance.

AlGore got a long time (30+ days) to contest one State. Show the 400K mail in ballots counted by dem poll workers only, between Tuesday and Wednesday. If they are legit then they count. Anyone want to argue we don't need to verify them? The Poll watchers have standing because the Philly Poll workers denied the Court Order. Sunlight is needed to settle this election.
we are all Americans.....we need to come together. I know there have been friendships and families lost over this. Hopefully we can heal.
The idea is true and should be the goal.

Having said that, the country is divided. It was divided 4 years ago and it will be divided 4 years from now.
If Biden is able to push through what he ran on hes not "healing" or "unifying" anything. Those that voted for Trump or against Biden are not gonna fall in line for that.. If he doesn't govern on his promises he's going to piss off whoever actually voted for him and not against Trump.
The hate wasn't the last admin. The hate just got the WH. It wasn't republicans who rioted looted and destroyed parts of cities in our country.

Even if that is your skewed version of the happened under trump.
Watch how a real president handles racial division.
Even if that is your skewed version of the happened under trump.
Watch how a real president handles racial division.
It happened because the left threw a 4 year hissy fit. I will not and I will never use the p word for Biden.
The hate wasn't the last admin. The hate just got the WH. It wasn't republicans who rioted looted and destroyed parts of cities in our country.
No, it was Republicans that supported white supremacy groups and murders. Good job.
IDGAF, let it burn.
That's it. Go to your room. Don't come out until you decide you want behave yourself and play well with others.

AlGore got a long time (30+ days) to contest one State. Show the 400K mail in ballots counted by dem poll workers only, between Tuesday and Wednesday. If they are legit then they count. Anyone want to argue we don't need to verify them? The Poll watchers have standing because the Philly Poll workers denied the Court Order. Sunlight is needed to settle this election.

Completely different circumstance. Bad comparison.
Hey Trumpers, what's the proper inflection when someone says "Still your president!"

Do you emphasize the "still" or "president" or both?

Further more should “Accept the results” be said with smarm or smugness?
Sounds pretty tame to what the past 4 years have done to this country. I’m ready to heal. Leave the hate with the last administration.

Eh, it sounds like the right thing to say. It really all depended on the outcome. For those that voted for Biden they re happy. Had he lost I doubt any of them we be mentioning " healing" or "unity".
So is the State Dept going to alter their paperwork package for scheduling POTUS visits to include a contribution to Sinohawk Holdings LLC before allowing the meet to move forward?

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