Biden's call for murder answered

Yep, the hit was called in by Joe himself. It’s in a recording on hunters missing laptop. People kill each other all the time over the dumbest things, this is also one of them. But if you want to produce a body count, let’s start with the people that died on Jan 6. Even Ashley Babitt or whatever her name was died unnecessarily because she was inspired by a man baby’s temper tantrum.
Was only 1. And she was a protester so that would be ok with you?
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Killing someone over their politics is a foolish waste of time. But Didn’t a guy just try to shoot up an FBI office because of the MAL raid and Trumps response to it? Didn’t Trump just threaten “bad things will happen” if he were indicted? Didn’t a report come out saying the Proud Boys were planning street level violence against their enemies to escalate divisions in the USA?
Just like everything. It's only bad when the other guys do it.
Killing someone over their politics is a foolish waste of time. But Didn’t a guy just try to shoot up an FBI office because of the MAL raid and Trumps response to it? Didn’t Trump just threaten “bad things will happen” if he were indicted? Didn’t a report come out saying the Proud Boys were planning street level violence against their enemies to escalate divisions in the USA?

Yet you got no problems with the BLM riots. Be consistent please
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Really? I read a lot of things today in the local newspaper that I can't read on-line. Every company is going to a pay system, and I don't plan to join their game while they plaster my browser with ad's.
Instead you get a newspaper where literally half of the pages included in the bundle are advertisements?
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there are nuts on both sides and politicians on both sides amp them up with rhetoric that demonizes opponents rather than challenges policy positions.

it seems to be an arms race

given Dems are in power now they bear the brunt of responsibility to tone it down but when Rs take the power reigns I don't expect things will change - just more division and more us good/them evil crap
there are nuts on both sides and politicians on both sides amp them up with rhetoric that demonizes opponents rather than challenges policy positions.

it seems to be an arms race

given Dems are in power now they bear the brunt of responsibility to tone it down but when Rs take the power reigns I don't expect things will change - just more division and more us good/them evil crap

It's good for both parties when we are at each others throats and not looking to cut theirs.
Media Will Never Hold Biden Accountable for Death of Cayler Ellingson
Cayler Ellingson (Facebook)
JOEL B. POLLAK21 Sep 2022320
His name was Cayler Ellingson, and he was 18 years old when he was run down by a drunken 41-year-old driver who later told police he killed the teenager because he was a Republican.
It is a crime eerily similar to the murder of Heather Heyer, the young woman who was murdered by a neo-Nazi in during unrest in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 when he plowed his car into a left-wing march. The difference: the media will never blame Joe Biden the way they tried to blame Donald Trump.

Just last week, Biden commemorated Heyer’s death at a “unity summit” at the White House, which brought left-wing groups together to oppose the “MAGA Republicans” that Biden called a “threat” to America in his prime-time address in Philadelphia on Sep. 1.
Biden, who used Heyer’s story on the campaign trail throughout his 2020 presidential run, told her bereaved mother at the summit that “you’ve found purpose worthy of the life that Heather lived and purpose to help us stand united as she did.”
Biden also repeated his false claim that Trump called the neo-Nazis “fine people” in the aftermath of Heyer’s murder — a lie that has become known as the Charlottesville “fine people hoax.”
In fact, Trump said that the neo-Nazis and other violent extremists should be “condemned totally.” But Biden, the Democrats, and the media have blamed Trump for inciting hatred and violence nationwide based on the fact that he simply acknowledged some of the protesters on both sides were peaceful.

How, then, to judge Biden for his remarks in advance of Ellingson’s murder, in which he described a “continued battle” for the nation’s very “soul” against “MAGA Republicans” who “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic”?
Trump did not wait to speak out against Heyer’s murder: he did so on the day it happened, and two days after that, and three days after that, when he called it an act of “terrorism” in the same press conference as the “very fine people” remark.
Biden has said nothing about Ellingson’s murder, nor has he been asked to do so, even though his rhetoric was echoed by the driver who killed the young man over a political argument. The alleged murderer “told State Radio that the pedestrian was part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were ‘coming to get him.'” Allowing for the man’s drunken state, and possible mental illness, it is hard to avoid the fact that his words and sense of alarm reflected Biden’s own rhetoric.

In the days leading up to Biden’s Philadelphia speech, after he told Democrat donors that Trump supporters were “semi-fascist,” the Biden White House refused to distinguish between “extremist MAGA Republicans” and ordinary GOP voters, because they were “supporting an authoritarian figure.” There is a more of a direct connection between Biden’s words and Ellingson’s murder than there ever was with Trump and Heyer’s, yet the media have not, and will not, hold Biden to blame.
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Same day as the democrat terrorist shot up the Republican Congressional baseball team?
Oh yeah, that was awful, remember poor Steve Scalesi of Louisiana still has a bum hip from that one.. there are crazies on both sides, but I think Liberals do a little more of the ‘cut you off, you’re a bad person, I’m never talking to you again’ game.. I have never dropped a family member or friend because they disagreed with me.. but I have had it done to me.. people have lost their damn minds
Or maybe when a conservative gets blown away it's ok but when a liberal gets killed shooting at the cops it's riot time!!! (Or should I say peaceful protest time!)

Again, who is saying it's ok? The killer is going to spend a large portion of his life in prison for murder. And he should because he committed a murder. Ashley Babbitt and this victim have nothing in common other than their politics (allegedly). Babbitt was shot in the process of committing a crime. Go ahead and riot if you feel that's what you need to do.

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