Biden's call for murder answered

Joe Biden
He's the reason the guy ran the young conservative down

Can you directly link Joe Biden to this kids murder? Does he say this specific kid's name and say somebody should murder him? Did he at all say violence against anyone, let alone someone who differs politically, is ok? If you let Trump skate on inciting and encouraging violence against liberals, then how can you possibly say that Joe Biden is guilty of that?

But I get it, you have to have a narrative that gets you angry. Gotta have that rage fix in the morning to get through the day.
Again, who is saying it's ok? The killer is going to spend a large portion of his life in prison for murder. And he should because he committed a murder. Ashley Babbitt and this victim have nothing in common other than their politics (allegedly). Babbitt was shot in the process of committing a crime. Go ahead and riot if you feel that's what you need to do.
So you're good with Rittenhouse then.
Can you directly link Joe Biden to this kids murder? Does he say this specific kid's name and say somebody should murder him? Did he at all say violence against anyone, let alone someone who differs politically, is ok? If you let Trump skate on inciting and encouraging violence against liberals, then how can you possibly say that Joe Biden is guilty of that?

But I get it, you have to have a narrative that gets you angry. Gotta have that rage fix in the morning to get through the day.
I'll agree with you. But your side blames trump for the young girls murder in Charlotte, can you prov8any proof like you're asking for, or does it not count when it's your side?
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I'll agree with you. But your side blames trump for the young girls murder in Charlotte, can you prov8any proof like you're asking for, or does it not count when it's your side?

Absent any direct evidence I don’t think you can draw that conclusion. But I can’t speak for everyone on “my side”.
Absent any direct evidence I don’t think you can draw that conclusion. But I can’t speak for everyone on “my side”.
The left blames trump for anything, literally. And someone already posted the story of the girl in Charlotte where trump was blamed, in this thread. I mean seriously, watch cnn or MSNBC for a day, everything is literally trump's fault. I'll say he has some crazy followers, but you can't blame him for murder, and give Biden a pass. Biden literally stood on tv and tried to make domestic enemies of trump supporters. Had trump done that, you'd lose your mind.
Again, who is saying it's ok? The killer is going to spend a large portion of his life in prison for murder. And he should because he committed a murder. Ashley Babbitt and this victim have nothing in common other than their politics (allegedly). Babbitt was shot in the process of committing a crime. Go ahead and riot if you feel that's what you need to do.
So you would support police killing every single rioter that looted and burned during 2020 and 2021?
So you would support police killing every single rioter that looted and burned during 2020 and 2021?

if you’re asking me if I support police indiscriminately shooting people in the vicinity of a crime (looting, arson) during a riot, then no. If there was a mob threatening a police officer or officers with imminent harm or actively assaulting them, possibly leading to their death, then the argument could be made that that officer(s) had the right to defend themselves with deadly force.

But that’s not what happened on Jan 6 though is it? Ashley Babitt was at the head of a mob that had already assaulted multiple police officers, crashed through multiple police barricades, and was attempting to forcefully breach the capital building. The officers that shot her could reasonably believe that their lives were in danger as well as the lives of the others inside the building. After repeatedly warning her to stop and her refusing to do so, they shot her. Am I sitting here thanking God above that she got killed? No. But I believe it was a reasonable response by the shooter to the threat at hand.

Since this is a thread about political violence, let’s highlight the difference between looting or property destruction during a protest, and forcefully entering the United States Capital Building to stop certification of an election at the direction of people who didn’t like the outcome of that election. You can’t possibly believe that those 2 things are the same. Also I reject the assertion that nothing happened to any of the protesters that turned to looting and arson because they were “leftists.” A quick google search shows that thousands of people were arrested across the country during the BLM protests for low level offenses and hundreds for serious offenses like arson and looting. (Just for the sake of argument, let’s take that at face value. If you have sources that say otherwise, go ahead a list them.)

Trying to boil it down to an either/or statement is reductive and completely ignores the context and nuance of each individual situation. Equating the response to property destruction in some cities across the country with trying to violently disrupt a fundamental democratic process that has endured for most of the history of our country, is just being willfully ignorant.
Yep that’s exactly what I said bud 🙄
That is the impression you are giving with your walls of text and comparison of body counts.

Would the cops have been within their rights to have shot anyone breaking, entering and stealing from any of the 1000's of businesses that were destroyed during 2020 and 2021 riots that were caused by political urging from the left?
That is the impression you are giving with your walls of text and comparison of body counts.

Would the cops have been within their rights to have shot anyone breaking, entering and stealing from any of the 1000's of businesses that were destroyed during 2020 and 2021 riots that were caused by political urging from the left?

I’ve already explained that. Your lack of reading comprehension is not my problem.
if you’re asking me if I support police indiscriminately shooting people in the vicinity of a crime (looting, arson) during a riot, then no. If there was a mob threatening a police officer or officers with imminent harm or actively assaulting them, possibly leading to their death, then the argument could be made that that officer(s) had the right to defend themselves with deadly force.

So as opposed to vacating an actual police precinct these officers could/should have held their ground and defended the building with lethal force?

‘EVACUATE THE 3RD PRECINCT’: Rioters Destroy Minneapolis Police Building, ‘170 Businesses’ | The Daily Wire
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annnnnd the perp is out on bail.
He looks "MAGA" since we don't technically know what MAGA is.

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