Biden's call for murder answered

So as opposed to vacating an actual police precinct these officers could/should have held their ground and defended the building with lethal force?

‘EVACUATE THE 3RD PRECINCT’: Rioters Destroy Minneapolis Police Building, ‘170 Businesses’ | The Daily Wire

If that was the decision they made and they were legally justified in doing so, then a case could be made that that option could be on the table. But now we’re litigating hypotheticals instead of what actually happened. In this actual case the police chose to evacuate because that was the path of least resistance and ensured minimal injury or loss of life. Hypothetically, if the police were trapped in the building with no way to get out, I could absolutely see them using deadly force to defend themselves.
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That's the way the left operates. All in on Trump and his "taxes", but business as usual for Nancy and he insider trading.

You’ll get no argument from me about banning stock trading by members of congress. That should have been done decades ago. But again, it’s not like the people in congress are going to vote for a pay cut for themselves.
Seems like both sides are fanning the flames of violence. The difference seems to be that the MSM only demonizes one side. Both parties are engaging in divisive behavior. It's how they control their sheep. But now we've reached a point where their words are begetting violence, intentional or not.
If that was the decision they made and they were legally justified in doing so, then a case could be made that that option could be on the table. But now we’re litigating hypotheticals instead of what actually happened. In this actual case the police chose to evacuate because that was the path of least resistance and ensured minimal injury or loss of life. Hypothetically, if the police were trapped in the building with no way to get out, I could absolutely see them using deadly force to defend themselves.

Appreciate the reply. However that leaves the door open (no pun intended there) in the Babbitt shooting to reconcile her being shot "while committing a crime" and others not being shot in any number of rioting scenarios. Have you seen the actual video? Do you think there was any form of "path of least resistance" that could have been applied by the officer doing the shooting? You are aware there were law enforcement people right there that didn't think the threat worthy of lethal force for even intervention.

These guys were just standing there.

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while apparently a whole SWAT team was hanging out in the stairwell.

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Just trying to point out how some people's thresholds in such matters can seem pretty fluid.
Seems like both sides are fanning the flames of violence. The difference seems to be that the MSM only demonizes one side. Both parties are engaging in divisive behavior. It's how they control their sheep. But now we've reached a point where their words are begetting violence, intentional or not.
Man Admits to Killing Teen He Claimed Was ‘Republican Extremist’
Alex Wong/Getty Images
JOHN NOLTE20 Sep 20221,692
According to a local North Dakota report, early Sunday morning a man called 911 and admitted to the hit and run of an 18-year-old. His motive? A “political argument” with a Republican.
Forty-one-year-old Shannon Brandt said he was afraid 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson was “part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were ‘coming to get him.'”

So he allegedly killed Ellingson with his car.
After visiting the scene where the incident happened, deputies went to Brandt’s house in Glenfield, ND, which is about 12 minutes from the crash scene. Brandt admitted to consuming alcohol before the incident, and stated he hit Ellingson with his car because he had a political argument with him. Brandt also admitted to deputies that he initially left the crash scene, then returned to call 911, but left again before deputies could arrive.​
Court documents say just before the crash, Ellingson called his mom and asked if they knew who Brandt was. She said yes, and told her son she was on her way to pick him up. A short time later, court documents say Ellingson called his mom again to say that “he” or “they” were chasing him. It was after the second call that Ellingson could not be reached again.​
Brandt has been charged with vehicular homicide and drunk driving.
Assuming everything in this report is accurate, and Brandt is convicted of “chasing” and running down Ellingson, this is almost certainly the result His Fraudulency Joe Biden and the corporate media have sought with their relentless demonization of Republicans. We’re a danger to democracy, they say. We’re evil extremists.

Just this week, a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll found that the dehumanization campaign launched by Biden and the corporate media has resulted in 73 percent of Democrats living with the insane belief that “there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans backing violence and trying to overthrow the constitution.”
Anyone who watched the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots over the last few years or is aware of the dozens of vandalized and firebombed pregnancy centers knows that most of the political violence in America (and the world) comes from the left. There are countless unstable Democrats in this country. And so, when you have the United States president and billions of corporate media dollars focused on portraying everyday Americans as terrorists, unstable Democrats will naturally become even more unstable in the certainty of violent righteousness.

There is no way to shame Joe Biden, CNN, MSNBC, or the rest into acting like decent human beings. In their quest for absolute power over us, they see whatever furthers that goal as moral. So all we can do is get a concealed carry permit, learn how to use and carry a firearm safely, and be sure to carry it in the unlikely event you have to defend yourself.
Also, remember this:
Rank and file Democrats are not our enemies. They are our friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. Get off Twitter. Turn off cable news. Don’t become what you hate — rabid, angry dogs like Joe Biden and Jake Tapper. Nevertheless, a target is being placed on our backs, we are being scapegoated for the left’s serial political failures, and it would be foolish not to acknowledge that reality and prepare for the worst.

Biden is a sick individual.
Has the media reported this yet?

Media Silent on Politically-Motivated Killing of Republican Teenager

For more than three days now, left-wing TV networks have refused to report on the politically-motivated killing of 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson, a conservative, by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt in North Dakota.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, Brandt hit the teenager with his car, reportedly due to a political disagreement, before driving off. Brandt admitted to police that the collision was a deliberate attack, and that he had been motivated by Ellingson’s political affiliation. According to court documents, Ellingson called his mother twice and asked her to pick him up, saying that someone was chasing him. By the time she arrived to collect her son, Brandt had already run him down and left the scene.

A review of news coverage on leftwing broadcast (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and cable (CNN and MSNBC) outlets revealed that none of these networks have given the attack even one second of airtime. Both Fox News and Newsmax covered the incident on Tuesday evening during the 7 p.m. Eastern hour.
In the current media environment where concerns over political violence are remarkably high, this silence from the establishment news media is deafening.

Media Silent on Politically-Motivated Killing of Republican Teenager
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