How is this double eviction episode gonna work?
most bizarre turn of the season. Due to inexplicably inappropriate comments by spencer, he is being investigated for child pornography-related offenses.
'big brother' houseguest investigated over remarks
This.. Everyone is sheep to Helen whatever she wants the house goes with it, can't stand her.. Please please someone make a move..It started so good, but they're all sheep. This is what happens when good competitors are all gone, and there is nothing left but floaters and social masterminds. Every damn vote is unanimous or close to it, and you know how it's going down before they vote. There are no surprises.
Props to Helen for bringing up an Amanda/McCrae nomination. I don't understand Andy. He just made a final 4 alliance with Amanda, McCrae, and Judd, and Amanda and McCrae helped lead the charge against Judd. Not sure why he would trust the at all after that.